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She was standing by the mantel, laughing at something Art Ellis was saying and the sight of her, carefree and happy, hit him square in the gut.

He found the bride and groom first, and begged their forgiveness in calling it a night. When Tom furrowed his brow, Rick looked up at him and simply said, “Deliver me from temptation, okay?”

“Okay,” Tom answered, instantly understanding. Well, mostly understanding, Rick thought. The alcohol wasn’t the only temptation he was fighting tonight and both would get him in serious trouble.

He made his way through the crowded room to the fireplace, forced a smile on his lips though the edginess was racing through him now. “Jess, you got a quick sec?”

She put her hand on Art Ellis’s arm and excused herself, taking a step away from the older man who’d once been the caretaker for the house when Marian had been alive. “You should hear the stories that guy tells.” She laughed; her shoulders relaxed. “I can’t tell which ones are true and which are total fabrication. But I enjoy them all.”

He hated to burst her bubble. “Listen, Jess, I gotta go. I just wanted to let you know rather than disappearing.”

The smile slid from her face. “But it’s not even ten o’clock.”

“I know. Are you okay to get home? I know you’re probably not ready to leave the party. I just … I need to get out of here.”

Jess’s gaze turned sharp. “Why?”

He sighed. “I made you a promise about today and I don’t want to break it. And I’m tempted. So it’s better if I just leave. There are too many people. Just too … much.”

He hadn’t realized that before. But crowds, close quarters … they made his anxiety level spike. And with the anxiety came the need for something to help him relax.

Her eyes softened. “Oh, Rick…”

She looked up at him and his heart slammed against his ribs. This was not good.

“I can get Josh or Mom to take me home, don’t worry about that.”


“What time do you want me to meet you at Glen’s tomorrow? You’ll need a ride back to Jewell Cove.”

Shit. He hadn’t thought of that. It was probably better if he didn’t get too used to spending time with Jess. Maybe then he wouldn’t think of her quite so much. He could just imagine what would happen if he tried putting into action even half of what he’d been thinking lately. Holding her in his arms while they were dancing didn’t help matters in the least.

He scrambled to come up with something. “I’ve got a lift, thanks. You can sleep in and have a lazy day.”

“You’re sure?”

She almost sounded disappointed. Or maybe that was wishful thinking.

“I’m sure.” There was a pause and then he added, “Right. I’d better go.”

He didn’t kiss her cheek. He didn’t dare. He offered a platonic smile instead and excused himself from the group, heading for the front door.


A week went by and Jess neither saw nor heard anything from Rick. Josh had mentioned that he and Rick had taken back the Mustang the morning after the wedding, and then stopped for breakfast at a truck stop. Josh made no mention of Rick being “under the weather,” and Jess couldn’t help but admire Rick for acknowledging his struggle with the bottle and taking the necessary steps to get through it okay.

And she figured if Rick wanted to talk to her, he’d make an effort to do so. She certainly was in no panic to talk to him. Why would she be? It wasn’t like they were really even getting along very well.

Except she couldn’t forget the way he’d held her—a little close, but not too close—as they’d danced.

During the time she spent not thinking about Rick, Jess kept herself busy manning the shop, holding classes twice a week in the back room, and sneaking in moments to knit on the baby blanket. It was nearly half done, but the lacy pattern meant having to count stitches and was something best done when she was sure not to be interrupted.

Another week passed and the foot traffic was peaking again. She worked long, hard days and in the evenings she threw herself into making items for the fall bazaar at the church—several pairs of earrings, which she hung for display on a three-sided cardboard “Christmas” tree, an assortment of tea candles, bath bombs, and appliquéd holiday ornaments.

That’s when she had the perfect idea to keep Rick busy.

Christmas ornaments.

Tags: Donna Alward Jewell Cove Romance