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“Nope.” Don’t back down, Jade. You can do this.

He growls. “Fuck. Fine. You win.” He throws his hands up.

“And Mom only owes you three hundred, right? None of that interest shit.”

“Yes.” Oh, he’s pissed off at me. I can see it all over his face.

“When do I start?”

Chapter Eighteen


Valo: I miss you.

Valo: I know you miss me.

I’ve been texting and calling Jade for four days, but she hasn’t answered. I’m tired of being ignored. After practice, I quickly drive to her campus, park, and go sit on a bench outside the building I saw her come out of last time. She walks out within a few minutes after her class ends. Her shoulders drop when she sees me. However, she does come and sit next to me.

“What do you want, Valo?”

“You. How much longer are you going to deny that you want me?” I ask her.

“I’m not in denial,” she snaps. She so is.

I stretch out my legs, lean back, and fold my arms over my chest. “Okay, so you supposedly don’t want me. We’re still friends, right?”

She rolls her eyes at me. “Sure, we’re friends.”

“Glad to hear it. Where are you staying, friend?”

“None of your business.”

“Does that mean you’re staying with someone?” I try to think of who her friends were. “Did you get your old job back?”

“No.” She says it so simply without a pause nor too quickly, and I can’t tell if she’s being honest or not. Actually, I don’t even know which question she’s answering.

I lean forward to rest my elbows on my knees, resting my face in my hands for a second. Sitting next to her and knowing that she’s not coming home with me is about to kill me. Not knowing where she’s staying, if she’s safe, or how she’s doing is driving me crazy. “Just come home, Jade,” I whisper just loud enough that she’ll hear my muffled voice.

“Finny, don’t worry about me. I’m still in school, thanks to you and your checkbook. I found a new job, which I’m starting on Friday. You need to move on and find someone else. Someone better than I could ever be for you.”

“What new job?” I ask, mostly curious, but a part of me is wary of what job she found so quickly in Greenwood.

“It’s a job. I couldn’t stay at the restaurant because it’s too far from Greenwood, and I wasn’t working enough to pay you back or…well, other debts. Anyway, I found something closer to where I’m staying.” She shrugs like it’s no big deal.

My voice turns hard as I angle myself toward her. “What job, Jade? What other debts?” She shouldn’t owe anyone anything. She was practically alone, aside from her mom.

“Don’t,” she warns, low and threatening. “Don’t you dare use that tone with me. I have things that need to be handled and I need money to fix it. If you’ve forgotten, I don’t make millions a year. I have to work. I found a job that can score me some money and quick. Now drop it, friend.”

My stomach churns at the possibilities. “If you don’t tell me, don’t think I’m not dumb enough to risk what you didn’t want me to mess up, to find out for myself. It can’t be good if you’re making money ‘quick’. Jade, just tell me.” I’m not sure if my words are true or not, but in the moment, they are.

“You are a hard-headed, stubborn, Finnish ass, do you know that? If you risk anything for me, then you’re a bigger dumbass than I thought. Do you really want to know? It could possibly lead to you being charged with accessory after the fact. Is that what you want?”

“Is that what you want? Don’t call me a dumbass because I’ll do it.” I’m on edge, waiting for her to lie and tell me that it’s not what I think it is, bracing myself for the truth I know she’ll tell me.

“Fuck,” she mutters, looking around and then down at her lap. “Fine. If you really want to know, I’m working for an escort service. I’m turning into my mother, one businessman at a time. Happy n

ow? I bet you feel better that you’re paying for the education of a paid whore.” Her voice cracks just a little.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance