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Me: If you have to ask, then no. And it wouldn’t be shocking if I were. BTW, I figured. 80% of the time, you can tell. At least, I think so.

Jade: I’m shocked because I thought sexting in your country would be yodeling through a voice messenger. And yes, you can tell most of the time. I’m better than most. It’s my hidden talent.

Me: Yodeling? Seriously? hahahaha. We don’t yodel.

I’m dying of laughter. Gus gives me a strange look, but I ignore him and head to my truck.

Jade: I took a shot in the dark on that one. So, where are you right now?

Me: On my way to get your jersey…want me to sign it too? ;) haha, where are you?

Jade: Isn’t it worth more if you sign it? Maybe I’ll pawn it afterwards. I’m walking to work right now. I have to waitress again. I hate that!

Me: No pawning my jersey, Jade. Is waitressing worse?

My phone vibrates on the center console, but I wait until I’m at a red light to read and respond to her text.

Jade: eye roll I won’t pawn it, jeesh. I get less in tips. Guy like the naked girls on stage and not the ones serving drinks.

Me: That sucks…

I’m not sure what exactly to say, and that was the best I could think of. The light turns green. My phone vibrates twice before I’m about to check it again.

Jade: Well, at least I don’t have to do that HAHA but I do have to make my rent. So, what’s a girl to do?

Jade: I’m here now. Talk to you tomorrow.

I’m not quite sure how to feel about her job. I mean, it’s not a normal job that people are proud to be doing and will freely discuss. How do you tell a stripper/waitress to have a good day and that you hope she gets a lot of good tips?


I’m parked along the curb in the same place as when I dropped Jade off after our date. Again, this is the closest she’d allow. I got here a little earlier than she told me, so I keep scanning the sidewalks for her to appear. A few minutes later, those long black curls appear as she comes from around the corner, a large duffle bag hanging off her shoulder. She climbs into my truck with a smile.

“What’s up, Finny?” She giggles, thinking she’s pretty funny with her Finny comment.

I smile anyway because I like this side of her. “You’re in a good mood today. I hope it’s because of the game.”

“Trust me, I’m not giddy about walking six more blocks to the Laundromat. I usually do it in my bathtub because I know that’s clean, but…” she pauses. “Something’s up with the water.” I get the feeling she’s telling me a lie.

“How are you getting to the game?” She can’t actually think she’s going to walk there. My mind is already thinking of a plan.

“Walk.” Her tone clearly says it should be obvious. “I walk all over Liberty when I don’t have bus fare. Don’t worry; I won’t be late.”

She doesn’t have money for the bus? “What else do you have to do today?”

“Laundry and get ready for the game. Why?” Slightly suspicious eyes narrow at me.

“You do have a driver’s license, right? What would you say if I let you borrow my truck and my washer and dryer?”

“Yes, I have my license. And that’s a really nice offer, Valo, but if something happened to this truck, there would be no way in hell I’d be able to afford to get it fixed or replace it. I’ll stick to walking.”

“I have insurance and money. I don’t think you could be that bad of a driver.” To her, it would be huge if she wrecked my truck. To me, I’d just buy another one and wouldn’t worry about it. “C’mon, Jade. You could borrow it, do your laundry at my place, and hang out with Honeybun, and all without me, if it makes you feel better. I’ll be at the rink soon, so I won’t need to use it either.”

Jade is quiet for a moment as she mulls it over. “Well, do you mind if I take a shower? I had one last night at the club, but with the water issue, I’ll need to take one before the game.”

“Sure. Anything in the house you want to take advantage of, go ahead. Just make sure you stay out of Gus’s things and ignore the fact that I’m not the most organized person. I can even give you some cash if you wanted to get some soap and shampoo that doesn’t smell like a man.”

“Ha, I’m used to smelling like men, Valo. You do remember what I do for a living, right? I always smell like cheap after shave and a generic Polo from Wal-Mart.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance