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“Then definitely go buy something that smells girly.” I’m curious to what scents she would pick out for herself. “Are you saying yes to my offer?”

“Is there a point in arguing with you, Finny? Let’s go to the Mansion of Manner.”

“As much of a point as there in making you stop calling me Finny.” I grin and it grows when I see her smile. “I’ll drive us to my house first and I’ll ride with Gus to the game. Then, you’re free to do whatever. Your jersey is in the backseat if you want to see it.” She glances back, but doesn’t pick it up. I start driving across town to where Gus and I live in a large condo.

When we arrive, I hold my elbow out for Jade and take her duffel bag, grabbing the bag with the jersey as well. She rolls her eyes at me, but I think she likes the gentlemanly acts. I think she appreciates them even more than the average woman, and it makes me want to do it for her more.

I hold my breath as we reach the door and I push it open. Like I said, I’m a messy person.

“Are you fucking kidding me, Valo? Disorganized, my ass. This place is filthy. Can’t you afford a maid?” She gawks at the mess and I follow her gaze.

“It is not filthy. It’s organized, clean chaos.” Sure, there are some things that need to be thrown away and there’s stuff everywhere, but it’s not really dirty.

“Well, I’ve learned one thing today. The word clean doesn’t translate well from Finnish to English. This is not…clean or organized chaos. Hire me as your maid and I’ll show you clean and organized.”

“Your rates are probably outrageous,” I grin.

Before she has a chance to respond, Gus walks out of his bedroom, carrying a duffle bag of his own. “Hey, who’s this?”

“Gus, this is Jade. Jade, this is Gus. She thinks we need a maid.”

“I don’t think you need a maid. I know you need a maid. I’m on the lookout for mice and cockroaches right now.” She makes a show of looking around the room and floor.

I shake my head. It’s definitely not that bad. “There’s a difference in messy and nasty.”

“She’s right; we need a maid,” Gus says. “You’re the most terrible housekeeper I’ve ever met. All this,” he motions around with his arms, “is his, by the way. Not mine.”

“I actually believe you, Gus.” Jade gives me a stern look. “Now, I’m concerned what the laundry room looks like.”

“C’mon, I’ll show you around.” I take her hand and start walking toward the laundry room. Over my shoulder, I call out, “Hey, Gus, don’t leave without me. I’m riding with you to the rink.”

“You got fifteen minutes, then!” he shouts back.

We stop in the doorway of the laundry room. “Here it is. Everything you’ll need is in the cabinets above the washer. All you have to do is press start twice on the washer and turn the knob on the dryer.” She nods in understanding, so I lead her to my room and to my bathroom. “You can use my bathroom. Towels are in this closet.” When we turn to walk out, my cat is standing a few feet in front of us. “And this is Honeybun.”

“You have an orange cat with three legs named Honeybun? And explain to me why you don’t have your own reality show? Oh, that’s right because you’re a slob.”

“Hey, Honeybun doesn’t mind. Plus, our lives are too boring for reality TV.”

“If you say so. Go off and play some hockey. I’ll be here.”

I glance at my watch. She’s right. My fifteen minutes are up. “Text me with which entrance you use, so I can find you afterward. Don’t have too much fun doing laundry,” I tease.

She smiles. “Hey, Valo.” Jade pulls me close to her and tilts her chin up as she closes the distance between us. Her kiss is soft and slow. “Thank you,” she whispers. “I make no promises about not denting the truck, but thank you.”

“The offer stands for the future, too. I’ll see you later.” I give her another quick kiss before I leave. I like Jade, and I like helping her. My mind starts turning as I wonder what else I could do for her.

“Looks like I was wrong,” Gus says as he pulls onto the road.

“About what?”

“You actually had a chance with her. She’s the girl you went to talk to at the bar, right?”

“Yeah, she is.” I never told him much about her, even after our date. The thing is, I’m still not sure how much of a chance I have. Jade’s surprising me at every turn, though. Who knows what’ll happen with us?

Chapter Seven


Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance