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“I can give you a jersey. Problem solved.”

Jade shakes her head, but it’s more playful than irritated. “Do you have an answer for everything? Fine. Why do I even argue?”

I smirk. “You don’t have to go…”

“I’ve never been to a hockey game live before. It might be fun.” She tries to hide her smile by sipping the last of her milkshake, but I see it.

“It will be. If you’ll meet me earlier that day, I’ll deliver your jersey myself. And it will be my jersey, just so you know. Any objections?”

She really thinks about it. “Not at the moment, but it is getting late and I have stuff to do. I’m ready to go to my place.”

“All right, let’s go.”

As I promised, I drop her off two blocks from Greenwood. I’m uneasy with letting her walk the rest of the way, but I don’t want to push her more than I already have. Jade has her hand on the door handle, ready to leave, and she turns her head to look at me.

“Thanks again, Valo.”

I smile. “Don’t forget to text me.”

She rolls her eyes. “I won’t.” She pulls on the handle, pushing the door open a bit.

“Hey, Jade?”

“Yeah?” she asks, pausing and turning back to me.

I cup her cheeks as I lean over and pull her closer to me. Her brows rise for a moment, but then I kiss her. The moment my lips touch hers, I know her mouth is perfect. My fingers move until I tangle them in her curls, holding her put. Her lips are soft, and when I run my tongue over her lower lip, she parts them and, sweet heaven, for all the harsh and vulgar words that come out of this mouth, it’s impossibly sweet and almost gentle. With a shaking inhale, I pull away, slide my fingers out of her hair, and put some space between us.

Jade tilts her head, examining me for a brief moment before shaking her head, and getting out of my truck without another word. I stay parked along the curb until she disappears down the sidewalk.


I’ve been thinking a lot about Jade today, and it’s probably

because I’ll see her tomorrow. I haven’t talked to her too much since I dropped her off, so I decide to send her a text.

Me: What color are your eyes? And don’t say purple.

This has been really bugging me. She’s pretty blunt and upfront about nearly everything, yet she hides her eye color.

Jade: They’re a shitty blue-green color. I hate that color so I changed it.

God, I bet those are gorgeous eyes, especially with that black hair.

Me: What’s wrong with that color?

Jade: They make me look like my mom and I don’t want that.

And there it is. The reason she wears contacts. Before I can respond, she fires another text at me.

Jade: You know most guys want to know the size of my tits. You’re full of surprises, Finny.

Her nickname for me makes me smile. My thumbs move quickly with my response.

Me: I think you surprise me more than I surprise you. Besides, I wouldn’t ask a question like that…that’s the kind of thing I’d rather find out first hand.

That’s a much better way to find out.

Jade: Valo Manner, are you trying to sext me? Talk about shocking! BTW, here’s a hint about them: they’re real.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance