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“I thought that’s what we did this morning on the kitchen counter,” I tease.

Luca chuckles as he walks up to the receptionist and gives her our names. The lady escorts us to the back where we can change into our robes.

“Don’t you look sexy in your white robe and fuzzy slippers.” I pinch Luca’s side as we walk down the hall to the massage rooms.

“Don’t tell the guys.”

“Ha! I’m going to tell them, take pictures, and maybe even a YouTube video for the world to see,” I tease as we go into the room. Luca growls, making me laugh.

After a half hour of the woman’s firm, but gentle hands on my back, I feel like a brand new person. Until I sit down for the pedicure. I can care less if she paints my toes, I'm in euphoria as she rubs my feet.

“You know,” Luca leans over to me, whispering in my ear. “You usually only make those sounds with me.”

“True. However, you have never rubbed my feet like this.” I wink at him.

“I promise from now on, I will.” He kisses my hand.

~ ~ ~

I look over at Luca and he looks pale. I swear if he passes out, I may laugh for a second before I help him up. I’ve never seen him this nervous and he’s a hockey player. He’s supposed to be rough and tough.

“Luca, calm down. Everything is fine.”

“Why is it taking so long?”

“I’m not the doctor’s only patient,” I remind him.

He huffs and crosses his arms like a child throwing a tantrum. Thankfully, the doctor comes in. Dr. Lydia Jones is a younger doctor, but has a great bedside manner. I like that she tells it how it is and pulls no punches. Luca will like that, too.

“Mr. Zotov,” Dr. Jones holds out her hand. “It’s great to finally meet you. Congratulations on the Cup win.”

Luca stands and shakes her hand. “Thank you.”

“All right, let’s see your baby again.”

Even though I’m not scheduled to have another ultrasound, I requested one for Luca to be here and see our little girl on the screen and not in a text picture.

Before she starts, Dr. Jones asks me several questions. She informs me that I’ve gained twenty pounds. She didn’t need to tell me that. I’m the one who can’t wear anything nice. When she begins to talk about my diet, I try not to look over at Mr. Health-Nut.

“Hadley, you need to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet.” Dr. Jones narrows her eyes at me.

“I think french fries are their own food group.” I try to play it off that all I’m eating is cheeseburgers and fries.

“No, they are not. Please don’t make me send you to a dietitian,” she threatens me.

“I’ll make sure she eats better,” Luca says in his ever-so-serious tone.

Damn it. No more fries for me now.

“Good, now that’s settled. Have you thought anymore about the C-section?”

Shit. I had forgotten about that.

“What’s that?” Luca asks.

“Well, Hadley has a narrow pelvis and since we feel the baby is going to be bigger than she can handle, I suggest she has an elective C-section,” Dr. Jones explains. I squeeze his hand because I can see the worry on his face. “Mr. Zotov, this is something that I’ve done a hundred times before. It will be better for Hadley and your little girl this way,” she reassures him.

“She’ll do that then,” Luca answers for me.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance