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“A tour.”

“A tour? Of what?”

“Of us.” He stands and holds out his hand.

I smile as I take it and he pulls me up. Luca puts his arm around my shoulders and we head farther into the campus. I slip my hand in his back pocket as he walks us to the media school building. He stands behind me with his arms still around me.

“Remember this place?”

“Ha,” I scoff. “I spent most of my college career in this building. Trust me, I remember it.”

“How many times did we have sex in this building?”

I giggle and my cheeks heat up. I hold up two fingers. “Once when I was pulling an all-nighter for a final and once when you came back early from World Juniors.”

Luca leans in and whispers, “We almost got caught that time.”

I nod. “Good thing you were able to hide under the desk.”

“Come.” He guides me to the center of the campus courtyard until we make it over to the hockey rink.

“How many times, baby?” he whispers in my ear, sending my hormones into a frenzy.

I hold up one finger and bite down on my lip. I turn around and face him. “It was in the showers right before we left for the draft.”

“Almost got caught then, too.”

“Yeah, we’re not really quiet.”

Luca laughs, a rare full-out laugh, causing me to follow suit. “No, baby, we aren’t. We never have been.”

He looks down at me and studies my face. I run my nails lightly over his coarse beard. I miss the softness of it, but I’m glad he’s growing it out again. I can’t wait to feel that again.

“Were you scared the first time we had sex?”

I furrow my forehead at Luca. “Why are you asking that and what’s with the memory lane trip?”

“Please, baby.” He isn’t going to answer me until I answer him.

“No, I wasn’t scared. I mean, I was nervous, but it was the first time I’d had sex. I’ve never been scared with you, Luca. Now, answer me.”

Luca takes a deep breath and steps back from me. He looks around to make sure we’re still alone. “When we were here, we didn’t have a care in the world. I had hockey and you had classes. Everything was right and now…” he shakes his head. “I don’t know, baby. I’m nervous. I’m never this way.”

“I know you’re not and I know it’s because of our daughter, but don’t you think I’m scared and nervous? Luca, I’ve never been around a baby before. Ever. I have no clue how to take care of her.” Luca pales a little bit and I know that he’s on the verge of bolting again. “My doctor told me about a parenting class. It’s for first-time parents and it helps us with the basics. Why don’t we sign up and try it out? You and me.” I squeeze his hands.

/> “You and me,” he mumbles.

I take his face in my hands and force him to look at me. “Listen to me. I love you. I’ve loved you from the first time I saw you. I’ve given you my virginity, my heart and soul, and my life. I only love you. There’s no one but you, Luca. You’re my soulmate. You and me are in this for the long haul. We’re co-captains in our daughter’s life. We can do this as long as we are together.”

Why is he so damn hardheaded? Why can’t he see what a great father he’s going to be?

“Okay. Let’s take the class.”

~ ~ ~

“A spa day?”

“A couple’s spa day,” Luca corrects me as he take me into the luxurious building. “You need some relaxing.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance