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“I think I should get a vote.” I jump in because I think they’ve forgotten I’m here. Luca looks over at me and I know he means business. “C-section sounds great,” I concede.

Dr. Jones laughs and begins to measure me. She says everything looks great and the tech will be in shortly to start the ultrasound. Within a minute of the doctor walking out, the tech comes in and begins prepping me for the ultrasound.

On the screen comes the outline and fuzzy haze of our baby girl. Wow, she’s gotten bigger since the last time. Maybe I can convince Luca it’s because of the french fries.

The tech begins to point out the feet, hands, heart, and I look over at Luca.

“What do you think?”

Luca stares at the screen with a serious but unreadable expression.

“Luca, what do you think?” I shake his hand to get his attention.

He looks over at me and nods, but still doesn’t say anything. Great, now I’m not sure if this was a good idea or not.

When the tech leaves and I’m all cleaned up, I don’t say anything to Luca. He’s either dealing with his emotions of happiness or he’s pissed as hell and he’s never coming back.

“Luca, say something,” I softly beg.

He stands in front of me and stares. I don’t like when Luca is quiet. It worries me. He brushes away a stray of loose hair and tucks it behind my ear. He wraps his large arms around my shoulders and hugs me tightly to his body. “I love you, baby.” His voice is raw with emotion and I know that it’s going to be okay.

Chapter Sixteen


I’ve been trying to figure out how I felt when I saw the ultrasound, but I’m still unsure. I don’t know how to take in all that’s happening, especially when most of what I feel is overwhelming anxiety. But I’m doing my best to contain it and deal with it.

With an armful of groceries, I open the door to the house. When I walk into the kitchen, Hadley quickly turns around, trying too hard to appear casual.

“What are you doing?” I ask, setting the groceries down on the table.

“Nothing,” she shrugs.

I tilt my head and study her. Then, I smell it, the faint aroma of french fries. I swear, she’s addicted. “Nothing?”

“Just waiting for you. Do you have more in the car?” I begin to walk across the room. “You can go get those while I start putting these away.” She takes a step back as I stop in front of her. “What are you doing, Luca?”

“You were waiting for me?” She nods. “Are you sure?” I grab her hips, gently pulling so she’ll step to the right.

“Of course I’m sure. What kind of question is that?”


She rolls her eyes. “Fine! I was just having a snack.”

“French fries are no longer on your menu, Hadley. I just bought a bunch of stuff. Go eat an apple or a banana if you’re hungry.”

Hadley makes a face of disgust. “I’ve never been a big fan of fruit and your daughter isn’t either.”

“Well, apparently you and she both need it, so suck it up.” I give her a small smile and kiss her forehead while reaching behind her for the fries. When I step away, I say, “I’ll get rid of these for you.”

I finish unloading the car and help her put away the groceries. Just as we finish, the house phone rings.


“Luca,” Mama says. “How are you and Hadley today?”

“Good. How are you and Papa?”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance