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The first tear finally falls and rolls down my cheek. This is the Luca I remember. I can hear the love in his voice.

“Are you coming home?”

“If you’ll let me.”

I jump from the stool I’m on and leap toward him wrapping my arms around his neck. I bury my head into the crook of his neck and hold him tightly.

“Luca, I want all those things, too. It’s you and me forever. There’s no one else but you. I want you home so badly. I love you so much. I hated not being there when you won the Cup, but I know that you needed your time, you stubborn Russian.” I laugh as the tears stream faster.

Luca’s firm tone whispers in my ear, “Don’t be too excited, Hadley. I’m not making long term promises, only that I’ll try.”

I release his neck and look into his brown eyes, eyes I hope our little girl will have. “I know. I understand. But I know you, Luca. This is going to be a good thing. We’re in it together. You and me forever.”

“Plus a daughter.” He tries to smile, but I can see the fear and panic in his eyes.

“Our daughter. You know,” I shouldn’t push my luck since he only told me a minute ago that he wanted to try, but I am. “Have you thought about a name for her? I thought of a name and talked it over with Mama the other night.”

“I haven’t made it that far yet.”

“I think that...Valeria would be perfect.” Luca stiffens at my suggestion and goes quiet. “Don’t you think?”

“ want to name her Valeria? You’re sure?” he whispers.

“I think it’s very fitting. I want to honor your sister, too. Since she can’t be here with us, then she can be in spirit through our daughter.”

“Not going to go easy on me on my first day back, huh?” he jokes and gives me his smile that makes my knees weak.

“Ha! You’re right. However, since we are back together on a trial-basis,” a small bit of anger pulses through my as I grab his chin and pull him down to my eye level. “Grow your beard back. You have such a baby face that you look younger than me.”

He smiles and nod. Luca’s face gets serious before saying, “Valeria would be perfect, I think.”

~ ~ ~

I lean my head back and let the heat of the sun warm my face. There isn’t a cloud in the sky and I can’t even begin to express how happy I am at this very moment. There are no words to describe it.

For the past week, Luca and I have spent most of time in bed making love, talking, even eating there. Luca is officially moved back in and even though he’s still scared, he’s trying. I know this will work out.

“Are you asleep?”

I peek open one eye and see Luca standing over me. “No. I’m resting.”

Luca chuckles and sits down next to me on the bench.

“Did you finish up your meeting?” I ask and snuggle closer to him.

“Yes. It went well. I think this year's new team will do well.”

“Any new, hot, young Russian stars I can sink my teeth into?” I wink at him.


I throw my head back and laugh at him. Sometimes he can be jealous even when I’m joking. “Calm down, Luca. I’m not going after any college hockey players.”

He pulls me tight to him. “Good.”

We sit there in silence looking over the North Dakota campus. Luca had come up here to talk to the incoming freshmen players. He’s done it a few other times when they ask him. Usually he doesn’t bring me, but we decided to make it a road trip and drove up from Omaha a couple days ago. I hadn’t felt good last night and spent it in the hotel, but once Luca made me eat, I felt better.

“What are we planning to do today?” I smile at him.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance