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“Are you sure?”

“Please, sweetheart.” He lays his forehead on mine.

I make him sit on the bed, and I take a step back from him. Pulling the rubber band from my hair, I shake it out. I keep my eyes locked with Carson’s as I take off my shirt. A smirk sits on his lips when I unbutton my jeans and sway my hips slowly while taking them off. Carson reaches for me, but I slap his hand away.

“Be patient,” I use his words against him. I motion for him to stand up, and he does. I remove all his clothes, leaving him naked in front of me. I lick and kiss down his chest until I reach the spot I want to be. I swirl my tongue around his head, and Carson moans loudly as I guide him into my mouth.

Deeper and slowly, I take him further in. I know how he reacted the last time, but this time, I have a different agenda. I relax my jaw and tongue taking him all the way to the back of my throat. Carson grips my hair, and I know that he’s getting closer. I stop and stand up.

“Not tonight, sweetheart.” I wink at him as I wipe my mouth.

“Tease,” he growls at me, trying to give me the evil eye.

I laugh at him. “Lay down.” I order him, and he obeys.

I unsnap my bra and along with my thong I toss them over my shoulder. I pull open the drawer where Carson keeps the condoms and open up the wrapper. I straddle him, rolling it on him while giving a couple extra strokes.

“Kinley.” He closes his eyes. He’s like putty in my hands.

I position myself right over him and don’t move. Carson’s hands are tight on my hips, but I hold where I am.

“Kinley, I swear,” Carson hisses at me.

I giggle as I push my hips down on him. I gasp as our bodies connect. I rock harder against him. I raise up, and then push back down. I continue doing that, feeling Carson digging deeper into my skin. He lifts his hips and yells out as he fills me up. I reach my hands back, placing my hands on Carson’s thighs, arching my back more.

“Fuck,” I breathe out. I can feel him him reaching the breaking point.

Carson sits up, flips me onto my back, and begins to pound into me. I wrap my legs around his hips and latch my nails onto his back. He continues sliding in and out of me, and it’s my turn to yell out his name as the tension leaves me. With two more thrusts, Carson falls on me and neither of us can breathe.

“I missed you a lot, sweetheart.”

I giggle, knowing that I missed him too.


“Oh Captain, My Captain, don’t you look mighty fine.” I adjust his bowtie. Carson looks mighty sharp in his black tux.


I double check myself in the mirror. I’m wearing a red evening gown, and I’m hoping that Carson won’t be too upset with me with the surprise I have in store for him. I had Mike help me with it all week, and I know it will work.

I hope.

We go downstairs as the limo awaits for us. Carson helps me in, and I silently pray there are no problems. The limo drives us towards the hospital when Carson looks over at me.

“Where are we going?”

“To pick up your date, duh,” I joke with him.


I don’t say anything else as Carson keeps repeating the same question. I never answer. When the limo pulls up, the beautiful four year old is sitting in her wheelchair. Mike made sure she had the dress I had LPMS make her, and they even created a sequin headscarf for her.


“You need to have your girlfriend on your arm on your big day.” I kiss his lips as the door opens.

“Carson,” Gracie yells for him, and I quickly move out of the way for her and her oxygen pack.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance