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My feet can’t move fast enough as I turn around and head to my new workout room. I turn the treadmill on and start running. After an hour, I hop off, the words still repeating through my mind. The fucker. The anger pulses hotly through me, threatening to make me explode on the spot. I grab some weights, start doing arm curls, and realize that I’m not half as pissed over my dad as I am over what I just said to Kinley. I told her to get the hell out.

I scream in frustration as I throw one weight and then the other across the room, breaking the two mirrors on the wall. Fuck this. Fuck it all. Storming to my room for a shower, I slowly start to relax. My shower works wonders that’s for sure. Maybe Kinley will give me a chance to apologize for letting my fury out on her. Doubt she’ll even speak to me. Why would she?

Once I’m dressed again, I head for the living room, wanting to lay down on my couch and watch some mindless TV. I stop short when I see a head full of blonde curls in my spot. Kinley looks over from the sound of my entrance. She looks nervous.

“You’re still here,” I say softly with surprise and a bit of relief. She nods, but doesn’t say anything as I go sit down beside her. “You’re still here?” I repeat questioningly.

“Carson Lee, did you really think I would leave? Haven’t you learned that I’m hardheaded.” Kinley smiles.

“Well, yeah, but I figured I pissed you off. I didn’t expect you to stay.”

“Maybe you forgot, but I didn’t. I told you a long time ago that I’d always be your friend. And here I am. Your friend.” She pauses, making sure that I’m looking at her when she adds, “Even if you’re not ready for me.”

“Thank you. And I’m sorry for everything. The night of the dinner, the party, and everything since then.”

Kinley sighs. “I told you I didn’t want a title. I know who you are, Carson, and I know you don’t do relationships. Hell, at this point in my life, I’ve only had one serious relationship and that ended in flames. I wasn’t pushing you into anything. And if you want to know why I picked hockey over the football promotion, it was because of the money and control. I didn’t want to start at

the bottom all over again. I won’t lie, but you did have a small factor in there. It’s because you’re great to work with, and I know that I can make a lot of money off your abs,” she teases.

I laugh, thankful she brightened the mood. “They are good abs. I can’t believe I’ve turned you into thinking I’m great to work with. Although, that’s better than you saying I’m almost pleasant.”

She smiles, taking my hand before she speaks. “I miss you, Carson. I miss laughing with you. I miss talking to you. I want my friend back.”

“I’ve missed you too, sweetheart.” I squeeze her hand. “I didn’t feel like you were pushing me into anything, either. I just…didn’t know what you were thinking and why you changed your mind. I probably should have asked instead of running from you the first chance I got. You scare the hell out of me, Kinley,” I finish quietly.

“You have been slammed too many times into the boards,” she says with a shake of her head. “I was only thinking about sex, joking with you, more sex, and making more money. You know, I don’t make ten million dollars a year like some people.”

Kinley makes me laugh again. “You sound like me. Sex, laughing, more money.” With a deep breath, I pull her closer, laying an arm around her shoulders. “What do you want to do now?”

“I want you to drop the bad-boy barrier and talk to me. Do you want to talk about your family?”

“Not really. Does it have to be today?”

“No, and I’m not pushing. I was only wondering. But I do want to know what you want. Are we friends still?”

Ha. Friends? “No.” And then I’m completely honest with her. “I want you and not as a simple friend. It’s going to take more adjusting to, though. You need to be patient, remember?”

She rolls her eyes. “Really, still with the patient?”

I grin. “Oh yeah, but I’m not worried about that because I think you have a lot of it.”

Chapter Thirty-Five


“I should probably get home. I know you’ve had a long day.” I stand up from the couch, but Carson grabs me.

“Stay. Please.” For one second, I see a sadness in his eyes.


He leads me back up to his room, and I slip off my shoes. “I need to borrow some clothes.” I turn to him.

“You don’t need clothes.” He jerks me to him, capturing my lips.

I moan against the wetness of his tongue in my mouth. My body relaxes as I wrap my arms around his neck. “I missed you, Carson.”

“I want one more secret from you.” He kisses my neck.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance