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“Hey, Gracie. How’s my girlfriend doing today? Excited for a night out?” I watch his interaction with her and it makes me go ‘aw’ every time.

“Yes, I slept all day, so I won’t be tired at all.” She points down to her outfit. “Did you see my pretty dress? Kinley gave it to me.” She smiles up at me and I try not to cry.

“She did? Well, you look beautiful, Gracie.” Carson looks over at her mother. “You too, Darcie. Thanks for letting Gracie come.”

“I really don’t think I could have stopped her. She’s been excited about it since Kinley told us.” I made sure Darcie had a dress too.

“Okay, everyone in the limo. We can’t be late for our grand entrance.” I usher everyone back into the limo. Carson tells them not to bring the wheelchair because he’ll carry Gracie.

Soon, we are off to the party. I lost my seat to Gracie because she wants to sit right next to Carson. I giggle as she tries to sit as close as she can to him. They hold hands the entire ride. I hate to admit that she looks sicker than the last time we saw her, but I pray it’s only my imagination.

The limo driver pulls up right to the front door of the grand ballroom hotel. We all file out and head up the large staircase. Gracie comments on everything she sees. It’s different when you see it through the eyes of a child. When we walk into the ballroom, it’s been transformed into an autumn enchanted forest.

Each tables’ place card is a picture from the line. On the walls, the photos flip and change every few seconds. The commercials continuously play on the large screens. I guide everyone to the center table and Gracie proudly takes the seat next to Carson. She’s staring up on the screen and looks confused.

“What’s wrong, Gracie? Don’t you like the pictures of Carson?” I ask her.

“Not really.” She scrunches her face. “He’s not wearing his jersey, and he looks very bumpy.” Leave it to a child to make a table of adults roll in laughter.

“I’ll try better next time.” I pat her tiny hand.

The dinner comes first and there are a lot of people coming over to talk to Carson, and they tell him what a great job he did. Everyone falls in love with Gracie the moment they meet her.

When the music starts, Carson takes Gracie to the floor first, twirling and spinning her, making her laugh. After a couple of songs, Carson brings her back and whispers in her ear. Gracie nods and smiles at me. Carson comes over and takes my hand, leading me to the dance floor. I smile up at him, and for the first time in a long time, he looks happy. I don’t see the stern, bad-boy Carson Lee. I see the Carson Lee that I care about.

“I had to ask Gracie for permission to dance with you.”

“Well, I’m honored she said ‘yes’.”

“Why did you bring her?”

“Are you upset?”

“No, sweetheart, I’m not.”

“I did it because she needs fun too. Plus, it’ll be something you both will remember forever.” A single tear leaves my eye.

Carson softly wipes it away. “Thank you.”

We finish the song, and then go back to our table. We see it in Gracie’s face that she’s tired. I look at Carson, and he nods.

“Come on, Gracie, it’s time to leave.” Carson picks her up.

On the way back to the hospital, Gracie curls up next to Carson and falls asleep. He makes sure he gets her all the way back to her room, and I melt when he kisses her forehead. Carson gives Darcie a hug.

Carson holds my hand back to the limo, all the way home, and even in the house. When we cross the threshold, he grabs me and kisses me.

Chapter Thirty-Six


We make it to the couch with Kinley straddling me. I pull away to look at her, the thoughts of tonight still very much on my mind. I can’t get over what she did for me and for Gracie.


p; “You’re amazing, Kinley,” I tell her softly.

She smiles as she sits upright in my lap. “So are you.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance