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“Bradley?” I question him. “What’s on your mind?”

“Just thinking about staying. You know, until you get better.” He looks around the living room, and I think he’s blushing.

“This wouldn’t have to do anything with a certain best friend of my girlfriend’s, would it?” I tease my twin brother.

“Maybe,” his answer is vague but I know there’s more.

“What about work?” His boss is pretty lenient, but he’s already been gone for a while, helping me out.

“Well,” he clears his throat, “I’ve been thinking about a change.”

I walk over to him, grinning. “A change?”

“Yep,” he nods. “I’ve been thinking about it for a while, and this might be a good chance for me. Plus, I have a certain twin brother who has a spare bedroom that I know he would let me use.”

“Ha,” I bark out. “I’ll charge you rent, brother.”

“I’m your twin and you’ll make me pay rent? Didn’t you make six million dollars last year?” he questions me.

“It was eight, but that’s not the point,” I correct him.

“Then what is it?” he crosses his arms, trying to stare me down.

I hold back my laugh because he’s failing at it. “The point is, I would love to have my brother here, and I’m kidding about the rent. Why don’t we talk about it more later?” I wink at him as I head up the stairs.

I take a shower, and even though I want to hurry through it, the hot water actually relaxes me a little bit. My muscles are tight from the hit, and I didn’t sleep all that well in the hospital, even with the pain medication. I stay under the water until it begins to turn cold.

Once I’m all cleaned up, Bradley and I head back over to Selene’s house. We went back through the backdoor, in case Jessica was still lurking outside, but I’m hoping she got the point.

“Hey.” Selene’s smile makes my heart race. “We ordered some takeout because neither of us wanted to cook.”

I give her a quick kiss on the lips. “Perfect.”

“Oh, and your phone keeps ringing.”

Shit. I forgot about my phone. I walk over to the counter and see that I have missed three calls from my lawyer. Shit. I quickly hit redial and walk into the living room. Bonkers is on my heels, jumping around.

“Mr. Madison, it’s Brody Ross,” I rush out. I wasn’t been this nervous when I played in the Stanley Cup Final.

“Well, we’ve had an interesting turn of events. Is there anyway that you could come to my office first thing in the morning?”

“Name the time, and I’ll be there.”


He tells me to be there at nine in the morning, and we hang up. I sit down on the couch, and Bonkers curls up next to me. Every emotion is pulsing through me. Is this going to be a bad meeting? Is Jessica really going to have my child? Maybe this is a good meeting, and it’s all a mistake? I want my life to be Selene and no one else.

“Brody, everything okay?” Selene touches my shoulder, and I become calm from it.

“I have to meet the lawyer in the morning.”

“Okay,” she nods. “The food will be here soon. Do you want to lay down until it gets here? You must be tired.”

I hate to say that she’s right, but she is. My body still hurts. “I think I may lay down for a little bit. I love you.”

“I love you.” She leans in to kiss me, but Bonkers jumps in between us, and we end up kissing him. We both laugh at the silly dog.

I crawl into Selene’s bed and relax, inhaling her flowery scent. Bonkers curls up by my feet, and I close my eyes.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance