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The bed shifts next to me, and my eyes open. “Sshh,” Selene coos. “Go back to sleep.”

I rotate my body and stretch my arms out. “What time is it?”

“Actually, it’s time for bed. None of us had the heart to wake you.” She kisses my forehead. “Bradley and Allison are at your house.”

“Okay.” I blink my eyes, trying to focus. I notice that it’s dark out, and I really did sleep the whole day away.

“Do you need anything? Want me to fix you a plate of food?”

I shake my head. “No, you rest. I’ll run down there real fast and grab a bite.” I roll out of the bed.

“Brody,” Selene’s sweet voice stops me. “Do you want me to go with you tomorrow?”

“Yes, I do. I don’t want you anywhere else, but by my side. I love you.”

“Sounds like a beginning of an proposal.” She lightly giggles.

“Would you say yes?” I could hear the hope in my voice.

“Not this time.”

I chuckle as I walk back over to her. “Am I at least in the number one spot?”


“When we first got together you said I was in the top three. Am I number one now?”

She cups my face. “Yes,” she firmly answers, and I have no doubt in my mind that she’s telling me the truth. “I love you, Brody Ross.”

“I love you.” I kiss her hard, and her moan turns me on instantly.

“Brody, please.”

She doesn’t need to say another word. “Bonkers, out.” The dog jumps from the bed and heads out the door. My attention goes back to Selene, and it stays there all night long.


I hold Selene’s hand tightly when we walk into Mr. Madison’s office. My blood boils when I see an older man sitting across from Mr. Madison. Selene squeezes my hand, and we take a seat next to my attorney.

“Now, that we’re all present we can get down to the bottom of this,” Mr. Madison says. “Brody, this is Mr. Fox, and he is Jessica Williams’s lawyer.” Mr. Fox nods to me, but I don’t make a motion to him. I’m still too mad that I’m going through all of this. “He has come to discuss a few things with us. Go ahead, Mr. Fox.”

“Ms. Williams’s does have some mental issues.”

“You think,” I cut him off.

He clears his throat. “Anyway, she has checked herself into the mental health hospital.” He hands me a paper, showing that she is a patient. “She was taking medication for her issues, but went off of them on her own. In that time, she began to stalk you, and…” he pauses. “She has a creative imagination.”

“Jessica’s not pregnant then?”

“No.” He shakes his head at my question.

Relief floods through me.

“But we need to talk about one thing,” Mr. Madison’s voice is firm. “Mr. Fox, you may finish.”

“Jessica knows that she could go to jail for extortion and fraud if you want to press charges. However, I talked to her, and we came up with this.” He slides a paper over to me. “If you don’t press charges, Jessica will remain in the hospital for her full treatment and promises not to come around you in any fashion.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance