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I hate the fact that I’m going to be benched for a while, but on the plus side, I can spend it with Selene and get my life straight again. She sits next to me at the table. All I want to do is go upstairs with her and not leave that bed.

“I would like to know where my dog is?” Selene looks at Allison.

“Calm down, he’s outside. I’ll get him for you.” She stands as soon as she opens the patio door, Bonkers comes sprinting through the kitchen.

The problem is he can’t stop and slides out of the room. He finally finds his footing and leaps into my arms, licking my face. “Yes, yes, calm down, Bonkers.”

“I swear that dog loves you more than me,” Selene mutters, and everyone laughs.

My side really hurts from the laughter, but I try to hide it, not wanting anyone to worry, because it’s not that serious. I stand, hand Bonkers to Selene, and get a bottle of water when the front doorbell rings. I look at Selene, but she just waves me back.

I don’t have a bad feeling until Bonkers begins to growl, and he only does that to one person. I glance over at Bradley, and he’s already on his feet heading in the direction of the front door.

Kris blocks my path. “Don’t,” he commands.

“It’s her. I know it.”

“Let Selene deal with it. Bradley’s there, but you will cause friction that doesn’t need to be made.” He gives me a serious look. I hate that he’s right.

“Go,” I nod my head, and Kris heads to Selene. When I hear Jessica’s voice, it’s like nails on a chalkboard to me.

“Get off my property. You’re trespassing and violating a restraining order,” I hear Selene tell her calmly.

“I need to see Brody,” Jessica tells her.

“Well, my boyfriend is too busy to see your crazy ass,” her voice is still calm.

“Oh, so we’re name calling now, huh? I could call you a few good names.” I look around the corner and see Jessica trying to muster a mean look to Selene, but she looks scared instead.

“I’m sure that yours are very colorful, but I don’t time have for you and your lying ass,” Selene’s voice rises an octave.

“I’m telling the truth, and you wait because Brody and I will be together. Forever,” Jessica’s voice shakes with a hint of fear.

“Really? Well, he’s in my bed, being my boyfriend and having sex with me. Plus, why is it that your, what, six, maybe eight weeks pregnant, and your stomach is flat as board?”

Jessica face turns white as snow, and her eyes widen. I knew that she was lying this whole time, but I need more proof than a facial expression,

“You just wait, Miss Thing,” Jessica spits out the words to Selene and walks off the stoop.

No one moves for a moment, trying to figure out why this female won’t leave us alone.

“Well, I think I’ve had enough fun for one day. Selene,” Kris says as she turns to him. “Take care of Meatball, he’s hard headed.” He gives her a small hug before leaving the house.

I’m not sure what to do. Do I go to her? Do I beg for her to stay with me? I know she said that she would, but that was then, and now Jessica has shown up at her door again. I can lose her a second time.

“Bradley, weren’t you going to take Brody to his house to clean up?” Allison’s subtle suggestion makes me realize that maybe I’m not going to keep Selene in my life right now.

“Yeah, then Allison and I can make some lunch for when you two come back,” Selene adds, giving me a tiny smile. It isn’t much but it makes my heart burst with love. She’s going to stick by me, like she said.

“I’ll be back in a little bit then,” I smirk back at her.

Bradley suggests going out the back door, in case Jessica is still stalking out front. I walk into my house, and I want to rush to get back over to Selene. Then again, I might want to shower and put on some cleaner clothes. I feel like I can still smell the hospital on my skin.

“So, you’re going to be off for two weeks, huh?” Bradley asks as I’m about to go upstairs.

“Yeah, why?”

He shrugs, but I know what that means. He’s thinking about something, but doesn’t want to say it yet.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance