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“I was fine until you walked in,” he answers. “Do you have my clean clothes?”

Bradley tosses him a bag, earning a glare. I start ushering them back out of the room. “If you two really love us, then you’ll have breakfast waiting for us when we get to my house. And start washing the sheets in the guest room.”


“That’s the thanks we get for taking care of Bonkers?” Allison tries.

“Just go.” I close the door behind them, hearing Brody moving around as he changes.

“Am I going to your house?” he almost tentatively asks from behind me.

“Of course,” I answer, walking back over to him and start buttoning the top of his shirt while he works on the lower buttons. “How else will I undress you later?”

Brody smiles. “Good point. Selene, I-” He stops as our hands runs into each other, and I gently push his hands away for the last few buttons. Brody seems to be struggling with what he wants to say, so I decide to help him out.

“You love me? Or you wanted to say that you really just want to go play with Bonkers? Is he the main reason why you love me, Brody?”

He laughs. “You like to hear that I love you, don’t you? Like that day when I picked out your outfit and you thanked me for saying it?” He chuckles again with the memory, but I groan.

“I still can’t believe I said that, but I will confess a secret.” Brody’s brows raise, waiting for me to continue as I cup my hands on his cheeks. I give him a sweet, simple kiss before saying, “I do love to hear it, so don’t ever stop saying it.”

“As long as you’re here to listen, Selene, it can be the only words I ever speak. I love you.”

I grin. “I love you too, Brody. Put some pants on and we can go home.”

Brody doesn’t let go of me. His hand is on me at all times. He’s holding it in the hospital and through the hallways and parking lot until we reach my car. He rests his hand on my thigh as I drive since I use my right hand the most. And as my house comes into view, he squeezes my leg.

“Keep driving so we don’t have to be around them,” he jokes at seeing the cars parked there.

“Who’s truck is that?” I ask as I pull into my driveway.

“Kris’,” he sighs. “Make sure I plug in my phone to charge once we get inside.”

I nod. “Will do.”

“And leave the bags. I’ll make Bradley get them later,” he laughs. “I just want to eat and make sure my phone has some battery.”

“Are you expecting an important call?” I tease without thinking. Brody tenses with his hand on the handle. My eyes widen. “Are you, Brody?”

“Yeah, maybe,” he confirms.

I reach for his hand, squeeze it, and tell him, “Either way, we’ll be okay, Brody. I’m here for the long haul, no matter what.”

Chapter Twenty-Two


I walk into Selene’s house, and everyone’s in her kitchen, laughing.

“You know, Meatball, it wasn’t that bad of a hit. Are you getting weak in your old age?” Kris teases me.

“Shut up,” I growl at him as I sit down. Selene takes my phone from my hand and plugs it in. “What are you doing here?”

“Checking up on my captain.”

I give him a small smile. “I’m fine, but I’m going to be off the skates for a couple of weeks at least.”

“Ouch,” Bradley answers with my exact thought.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance