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Brody groans, but I laugh. “What are you doing here, Allison?” I haven’t talked to her, so it wasn’t me who asked her to come.

“Bradley got bored waiting on you two to make up.”

“Well, we did, and now Brody is going to get some rest.” I look to a slightly unhappy Brody. “Your pain meds are probably going to knock you out in a few minutes anyway.” I start fixing his sheets and pillows, so he can lay back down. I’m almost surprised when he actually does it.

“You’re sleeping in here too, right?” he echoes the words I’ve said to him before, wincing as he settles into bed.

“I’m not going anywhere, promise.” I run my fingers through his hair as his eyelids get heavier and heavier, causing only a little blue to peek through as he struggles to stay awake. With a kiss on his forehead, I whisper, “I love you, Brody.”

“Love too,” he breathes before falling asleep.

I watch him for a moment before turning to face our intruders. Despite their claims, both are smiling. Allison speaks first though, bringing her hands out from behind her back to show me she’s holding a bag.

“I brought a few things from your house, so you wouldn’t look as terrible as him in the morning. I can stay over with Bonkers, too, or bring him to my place.”

Crap! Bonkers! I feel like such a terrible person that I forgot about him. “Stay at my place. It’ll be easier that way. Just don’t sleep in my bed, especially if your new friend is staying there too.” Both of their mouths fall open a little. “I’m not blind or deaf to your flirting. You think we’re sickening? Ha.” I shake my head at having to watch these two while I was drowning in my sorrows over Brody. “Give me my bag and then go check on Bonkers, please and thank you.”

Allison brings me my things and gives me a hug. “I’m happy for you,” she whispers.

“Thanks. Have fun with Bradley,” I reply.

She smiles and Bradley tells me they’ll be back tomorrow. Once they’re gone, I walk down to the nurses station to request a pillow and a blanket. It’s tempting to slip in next to Brody, but I don’t want to accidentally hurt him in my sleep somehow. Hitting him once was all the damage I wanted to do. Digging through my bag back in his room, I find what Allison brought me, a pair of sweatpants and an old Ross t-shirt from before he made captain.

By the time I change and brush my teeth, the nurse has finally brought me what I asked for. She checks his vitals before leaving. I slide the chair closer to the bed, and then get comfortable the best I can. Laying on my side with my pillow tucked under my neck, I reach out to hold his hand, so when he wakes up, he’ll know I’m still here and always will be.

“Selene?” I hear his sleepy voice rumble right after he squeezes my hand.

“Yeah? Do you need something?” I ask, sitting up to get a better look at him.

Brody nods, his eyes half closed and fluttering as he struggles to keep them open. “You. In bed. With me,” he breathes.

“No, I don’t want to hurt-”

“Pain meds. Won’t feel it. C’mon.” He releases my hand to pat the space next to him. “Felt worse, remember?” he adds when I don’t move.

I sigh. “Scoot over a little then.” He moves like all of two inches, but there’s enough room for me to lay on my side. So I crawl in next to him with his arm around me, gently resting my head on his shoulder.

“That’s better.”

Yes, it sure is.


Somehow, I slept pretty decently. I woke up around six though, and I’ve been waiting for Brody to wake up. I keep glancing at him, trying to see if anything has changed about him. But he’s still Brody. My eyes eventually rest on his hand in mine, taking in the up and down of his knuckles and the faint veins showing from beneath his skin. His fingers twitch suddenly, startling me as if waffles just popped up from a toaster. I look to find a small smile and blue eyes watching me.

“Morning,” I say, standing up to lean forward to give him a kiss. “Sleep well? Need anything?”

Brody shakes his head. “What time did you wake up?” he asks, sitting up more.

“A little while ago. Feeling any better?”

“Yeah, I am. I’m starving, though. Has the doctor been by yet?”

“No, but maybe soon, so we can go home. I’m actually a little worried about Bonkers since he’s been left with Allison and Bradley.”

Brody chuckles, but doesn’t get the chance to reply because the nurse and doctor walk in. They check him over before mentioning his discharge. Thankfully, they are going to go ahead and release him this morning. As they are leaving, Bradley and Allison are walking in.

“How’s my baby brother doing?” Bradley grins.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance