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I can’t take my eyes off of him. His blonde hair is a mess, sticking out at all angles. He looks tired as he gradually makes his way over. I rake over the rest of his body and suddenly find myself holding back laughter. My handsome, thoughtful, sexy Brody is gripping an IV stand, wearing a hospital gown and crew socks, moving at an ancient pace. He looks ridiculous and soon, I’m unable to keep myself from covering my mouth as I laugh at him.

Brody looks confused, but he continues his journey to the bed and takes his time sitting on the edge of it, his knee bumping into my leg. He takes a small, controlled breath as he reaches for my hand.

“You’re laughing?” he asks with a hint of a smile.

His grip tightens around my hand, halting my fit of giggles as I remember why he’s like this. Before I can answer, Bradley starts making a half laughing-half gagging noise.

“You are wearing a gown, Brody. It’s not nearly long enough though.”

Brody chuckles. “Leave me alone. Why don’t you go get me something to drink?”

Bradley glances at me, and I give him a small nod of my head. I’ve worried the poor guy enough for one day. He leaves, pulling the door almost to a close, leaving me with Brody. I move between his knees and gingerly place my hands on his shoulders, almost scared to hurt him further. I put on my most serious look.

“Are you going to live?” I question quietly.

“Yeah,” he smiles.

“Good. There are two things I need to do then.” I slap his shoulder as hard as I can, feeling a little bad when he winces.

“I’m going to live, but that doesn’t mean I’m not in pain.”

“You’ve taken worse hits, Brody.” And I should know because I’ve seen them. “But you scared me.” Without waiting any longer, I lean forward to kiss those perfect lips I’ve missed so much. I kiss him fiercely with my fear from earlier, my relief that he’s okay, and how I’ve missed having him around. Before I can get carried away, I pull back, resting my forehead against his.

“Am I dreaming?” he w


My resolve was already gone, and I’m sure if I had any left, it would have disappeared with his words. My heart was hammering in my chest as I watched him leave on a stretcher, flashing me back to when Stacy died. The circumstances changed, but I was still standing on the sidelines, terrified and heartbroken, as my best friend was carried away. Somehow, Brody managed to become my best friend, the person I can go and tell anything to. And then I fell in love with him, and he became the one person I didn’t want to be without, so I can go through life’s adventures with him.

He broke my heart this afternoon when he talked to me. I debated not even going to the game in hopes that it would make things better for him, but he would have assumed I was there anyway. So I went and watched one of the scariest things I’ve ever had to witness. Everything clicked into place with such clarity, showing me how much of a fool I am. Brody is worth the risk, and he said he only needed one chance. I feel like I took his chance away from him. There’s only one thing to do with those blue eyes focused on me, waiting for a response.

“I love you too.”

His lips part, like that was the last thing he was expecting me to say. “You love me, love me?”

I smile. “Yes, I love you, love you.”

“I feel like this is when you are going to give me that look and kick me out,” he mutters.

Taking his hands in mine, I tell him, “Well, you don’t need to worry about that feeling because I don’t plan on kicking you out ever again. If I were to have the opportunity, that is.”

“Selene, I love you, you know this, and that’s never going to change. But why you are telling me? What changed?”

“Everything. Life is undoubtedly better with you and fighting it wasn’t doing me any good. I don’t want regrets because I chickened out when things were too much. If I’m going to worry, I rather have you with me, so I’ll know that no matter what, things will be okay. I want to fight the battles with you, by your side where I should be. I love you, Brody. Nothing could ever change that.”

“I don’t know what to say. I mean, you could barely stand to look at me today when I saw you, and now you’re professing your love? What about Jessica? Is that still a problem?”

“Of course, it’s still a problem, but it’s one I’m willing to face with you.” I squeeze his hand in reassurance.

“I feel like I’m having an out of body experience, but I think it’s the pain medication taking over. No matter what it is, I love you, Selene. I want you by my side for everything and anything that crosses our paths. You’re the one, and I don’t want any regrets either.” His words have started to slur a little, so I know that his medicine is indeed taking over.

“Awww, look at my baby brother! Finally confessing his love,” Bradley annoyingly gushes from the door, bringing our attention to him and Allison, who is standing next to him.

“It’s a little sickening,” Allison adds.

“I might get a cavity,” Bradley says.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance