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Bradley: You sucked tonight

Leave it to my brother to tell me what I already know. I head to my car and go home, even though all I want to do is go to Selene and hold her all night. Pulling into my driveway, I stare at her house. Not a single light is on, and I look at the place that felt more like my home than the house I own. Finally, I get out of the car and go into the empty shell of my so called life. My phone alerts me of a text, and my heart stops.

Bradley: I’m with Allison, see you tomorrow

With that, I go to bed.


I toss and turn all night and practice is as bad as the game. Coach even pulls me to the side and asks if I’m okay to play tonight. That maybe I should take the night off.

“I’m fine,” is my response.

Like yesterday, I ignore everyone and leave. I continuously call Mr. Madison’s office, but they haven’t heard from Jessica yet. Her time is running out, and this has to show that she’s lying. I slam my front door when I get home. It seems that breaking items or opponents are my release from what I really want. I grab a beer from the fridge and head out to my patio. I try my hardest not to look at Selene’s house, but the barking makes me turn.

Bonkers is at the fence, standing on his back legs, jumping for me. His high pitched sound tugs at my heart. I shouldn’t, but I don’t see Selene in the yard, so I go to the dog.

“Hey, buddy.” I open the gate to pet him, and of course he runs around me in a circle. I laugh at his energy.

“You know he likes you a lot.” Selene’s sweet voice makes my heart stop.

I look up and see her leaning on the rail of her porch. She’s still in her work clothes, looking stunning.

“I’m sorry. He was barking, and I was just going to pet him,” I explain to her.

“It’s fine. Come on, Bonkers,” she yells for the dog, and he looks at me. He tilts his head, and I almost have the urge to cry at his adorable face.

“Go,” I command him, and the dog takes off to her.

“That was a terrible game the other night.”

I’m kind of surprised she’s talking to me. Part of me wishes she wouldn’t. I don’t need to be reminded of how badly I played. Looking at Bonkers instead of her, I say, “Yeah, I know.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you play like that.” There’s a touch of concern in her voice, but I could be imagining things. “What happened?”

Sighing, I lift my gaze to hers. “The truth?” She doesn’t nod or shake her head, which means she wants to know, but doesn’t want to know. Selene’s going to hear it either way. “There’s this girl I’m in love with and she decided that I wasn’t worth the risk after all. The rink is the last place I want to be because it’s a blessing and a curse to know she’s there watching me. So, I’m playing like crap because my heart isn’t in it. It’s crazy because she was worried about me taking away where she felt at home, but as it turns out, that’s what she took from me.” Without another word, I turn and walk back to my house. After all, I have to get ready for yet another game I don’t feel like playing.


Tonight is a big game. We’re battling against the Alabama Blacksmiths for first place in our division. Of course, I want the win to rub it in their captain Carson Lee’s face. He’ll do anything to hold the Stanley Cup over his head. The first period is nothing but trash talk and scoreless runs. My mind isn’t in the game. It’s in the three hundred section where Selene is.

At the start of the second period, the crowd is roaring, but all I focus on is the puck. I win the face off and bolt towards the net as the puck is passed to me. I lose control of it, but quickly gather it back up near the boards. Then it happens. A push from behind on my back, and then it all goes black.


From my hips to my head, I hurt so badly. I keep my eyes closed as I’m wheeled off the ice. Well, I did once I woke up. The concern of the doctors is on if I can move, and I’m able to. I continued not to look at anyone all through my evaluation because I’m pissed. Always keep your head up. Isn’t that the NHL motto?

Yeah, I forgot.

Once they put me in my own room to watch over me for a few hours, I finally open my eyes. Of course, no one is here but me.

I scoff. Perfect. I’m alone again. I ease out of the bed in severe pain. When I see Carson Lee, I swear I’m going to punch him in the nose. I steady myself with the IV pole and slowly walk to the bathroom. I don’t even look in the mirror because I’m sure I look like roadkill. I splash some cold water on my face, trying to feel normal again. It doesn’t help. I pat my face dry with a paper towel and walk out.

I hear the gasp as I look up seeing Bradley in the room, but it’s her I’m looking at.

Selene’s dark eyes are puffy and red, staring back at me.

Chapter Twenty-One

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance