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I don’t know if it’s because of the sweet innocence of his kiss or because he didn’t ask what was wrong, but instead, ‘What’s up?’, but I get the urge to call Allison and gush over this man. Pushing that to the side, I focus on what I want to talk about.

“Can you be Brody, my friend, and not the Brody who’s spending the night and buying me a car? Just for right now.”

“Of course. Talk, Selene. I’ll listen.”

To make it less weird than it already is, I talk about him like he’s someone else. “Okay, so there’s this guy I know and like,” his lips quirk into a smile, “and he would like to date me.”

“But?” he questions goodnaturedly as if I’m not talking about us.

“I’m scared,” I whisper. “You see, he has a stalker who seems to have it out for me and it’s worrying me more than I would like to admit to him. It’s a disturbance between us that’s making everything even more complicated. But that’s not my biggest worry.”

“And what is that?” Brody is doing a really good job at looking like the concerned friend.

With a deep breath, I keep going. “He’s been hurt before and while I know I wouldn’t hurt him in that way, I don’t want to hurt him at all. Ever.” During my pause to evaluate his reaction, Brody speaks.

“I’m sure he trusts you better than anyone not to hurt him. So maybe you should let him worry about that.”

I close my eyes for this next part. “And what about me?”

“You should let him worry about that too.”

Ignoring him and the urge to smile, I continue, “There’s something else. He’s this big shot hockey player and that ties him to the one thing in my life that means the most to me. When we started sleeping together, I was worried that he was going to affect that, but he didn’t. And now, he wants to take it a step further and I…I…” My voice trails into silence.

“You’re scared that he might take that away from you somehow,” he finishes.

I bury my face into his chest and nod. “It’s silly-”

“Selene, stop,” he says softly. Brody hooks a finger under my chin and makes me look at him. “I promise you that won’t change. There is nothing I won’t do to ensure that. I know how much hockey means to you and I don’t want to take it away. You have to believe me.”

“I do, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t scare me any less.”

His lips brush mine as he tells me, “That’s how you know it’s worth the risk. If you’re scared to lose it all, then you know it’s something that’s worthy of all that fear. I need you to trust me when I say that how I feel about you merits the leap you need to take to give us a chance. All I need is one.”

Brody’s eyes are confident, trustworthy, and they make me feel safe. I finish pressing our lips together for a slow kiss. “Thank you,” I mumble.

He grins. “You’re welcome. Let’s get some sleep. Some of us need beauty sleep.” Brody holds me even tighter, and I have no problem falling asleep quickly in his arms.


“He bought you a car?” Allison says for the fifth time.

“Let it go already. I have.” Honestly, I rather think about how amazing Brody was when I woke him up last night. He gave me one of the best kisses this morning before he left and told me to call if I needed him, a friend, or if I just wanted to talk. I smile thinking about it.

“Fine. Has anything else happened?”

“He slept over last night.” I shrug like it’s no big deal. All the nerves aside, I’m really excited about us. How can I not be when Brody’s so, well, Brody?

Before Allison can ask her question, our receptionist peeks into my office.

“I’m really sorry to bother you, Selene, but there’s a woman here insisting on seeing you. She doesn’t have an appointment and I told her that would be the only way, but she won’t leave. She’s very adamant on seeing you right now.”

My stomach immediately knots. Surely Jessica isn’t here. Allison gives me a worried look, and I know she’s thinking the same thing. With a gulp, I say, “Bring her on back then.” Our rece

ptionist leaves, appearing moments later with Jessica herself. Oh, no.

“Well, looks like you have a cozy job.” She smirks.

“What are you doing here? You’re not allowed near me, you know that, right?”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance