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“You’re wrong. I’m not allowed around my Brody. You’re brainwashing my boyfriend. He loves me. He belongs with me,” she says fiercely. She wholeheartedly believes everything she’s saying. “I suggest that you stay away from him before something happens to you,” she adds with a grin, reminding me of her note.

My heart freezes mid-beat, but I ignore it. “I have no control over Brody. If he’s not with you, it’s because he doesn’t want to be. I don’t think threatening me is smart either. You should go.” I just want her gone.

“I’m not going anywhere. You’re not listening to me.” She puts her hands on my desk and leans towards me. “Stay away from my boyfriend.” Jessica changes tactics with her next words, “You know, I like your dog. He seems like such a good dog, running around your backyard this morning after Brody left. I would hate for something to happen to him.”

“You’ve been watching me?” I manage to ask. She’s taken away my privacy and innocent moments. My entire body is tense, waiting for her to speak.

“I guess you could say that I was simply checking up on you. You know, to make sure you get the point. Leave. Brody. Alone.”

Her orders, her demeanor, everything about her is pissing me off. “Get. Out. If you ever come around my dog, me, or even Brody, again, I will kick your ass, you crazy bitch. Now leave.”

“Well, just remember that I warned you.” She smiles before turning and leaving.

I’m numb. This isn’t a one time crazy incident. Jessica has officially taken things to another, more dangerous level. Allison seems at a momentary loss for words as well. But I quickly snap out of it, wanting nothing more than to be at home, where I’m supposed to feel safe and comfortable. I stand and grab my things.

“What are you doing?” Allison asks.

“I’m going home. Cancel my appointments for the rest of the day or find a way to fit them into your schedule. I don’t care. I’ll call you later, okay?”

“Selene,” she starts.

“Don’t say anything. Come over once you get off and we’ll talk then. For now, I’m going home to Bonkers.”

I don’t give her a chance to object because I’m walking out of my office and outside to my car. My hands are trembling, but I try to focus on driving so I don’t ruin my new car. All I want right now is Bonkers, a lot of alcohol, and Brody. Except Brody is gone for two more days. Jessica’s threats replay in my mind over and over. When I pull into my driveway, I can’t help the look over my shoulder as I rush inside.

Bonkers barks with excitement that I’m home early. I pick him up and crush him to my chest. Oh, thank God. He licks my cheek causing me to laugh, which relieves a bit of stress.

“I’m happy to see you too, Bonkers,” I tell him as I lock my door. As much as I hate it, he probably needs to go out, and I have no choice but to let him go into my backyard. I stand at the door, watching, as I pull out my cell and call Brody. The first time, it goes to voicemail. C’mon, please answer. I redial, starting to panic when I get his voicemail again. The third time, he finally answers.

“Hey, Selene,” he says, and I know he’s smiling. I hate that I’m about to take that away from him. Hearing his voice breaks me into tears. “Selene? What’s wrong? What happened?” he asks, the worry evident.

“She came to my work and threatened me again. She’s been watching us, Brody.” Bonkers runs back inside, so I lock the door and sit at my kitchen table.

Brody is quiet for a heartbeat and then he furiously says, “She did what? What did she say?” But then his voice softens. “Oh, baby, I’m so sorry. I can catch the next flight and-”

“No, it’s fine. I’ll be fine.” I sniff, wipe my eyes, and talk over his objections. “She said that if I didn’t stay away from you, she would hurt Bonkers and me. She was here this morning,” my voice breaks again. “She watched you leave and then watched me let Bonkers out. Once I got her to leave, I came straight home to check on him.”

“Selene, I can come home. I-”

“Allison is coming over and I’m sure she’ll let me stay with her or vice versa. You’re supposed to be working.”

“I don’t give a fuck about work, Selene,” he bursts in frustration. “This is way more important than that. I can miss a game or two. I’m coming one way or another.”

Relief washes through me, but I find myself saying, “That’s not going to make it better. Jessica is going to flip if you come home and we don’t have a clue what she’ll do.”

“And it’s better for me to be there than here. Do not argue with me, Selene. Keep your doors locked, don’t let anyone in except Allison, and I’ll be there soon. I’ll figure something out about Jessica.”

“Okay,” I finally give in. Softly, I add, “Please hurry.”

“I will,” he promises.

We hang up, and I set my phone on the table. I’m suddenly aware of all the open blinds and the glass doors leading to my backyard. What if she’s watching me right now? I stand up so fast, my chair falls backwards, scaring Bonkers. I go around, make sure all the windows are locked and close the view so no one can see inside. Thank goodness I have curtains for the glass doors as well. When I finish, I have no clue what to do with my time until Allison and Brody get here, so I sit in the middle of my couch, call Bonkers, and allow him to soothe me.

My nerves are all over the place. I’m antsy and restless, but I don’t move from my spot. I watch the minutes pass on the clock on the wall. Jessica could be sitting outside, waiting for me to move or leave or who knows what. She’s fucking crazy and obviously unpredictable. A rapid knocking on the door causes me to jump.

“It’s me,” Allison’s voice carries into the house.

I get up to let her in. She hugs me like she hasn’t seen me in days. I can’t help but laugh a little. It quickly dies as I say, “Come inside already.” She does and I lock the door behind her. I go ahead and give her the only update I have. “Brody’s on his way. I’ve just been hanging out with Bonkers.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance