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“Challenge accepted,” she smirks.

I capture her lips in mine, driving my tongue into her mouth. She tastes so sweet as our tongues dance with each other. She moans as I pick her up and push her against the wall. Her legs are wrapped tightly around my waist. I push my hardness against her, and I end up moaning.

“Take me to the bedroom, Brody. Please,” she begs breathless. I look at her swollen lips, and my body is aching for her.

I grab her ass to hold her in place as I head up the stairs to her bedroom. I throw her on the bed, and Bonkers jumps on the bed, thinking we’re about to play.

“Out, Bonkers!” I command and the dog jumps off the bed and out the door. I shut her bedroom door so there ar

e no more disturbances.

I don’t say anything as I take off my shirt, dropping it to the floor. Selene is on the bed, propped up on her elbows. I’m on the verge of losing it just by the way she’s looking at me. I undo my belt and unzip my jeans.

“No.” She stops me as I’m about to drop my pants. She comes over and pushes me up against her bedroom door, dropping to her knees. My body actually shakes with the thought of what is to come. She has never done this to me, but I know that it’s going to be as good as everything else in our sex life.

She pulls my pants down along with my boxers. Selene looks up at me a small smile on her face before taking me in her mouth. My knees actually give way a little bit as she works her tongue along my shaft and tip. I hold on to her dark hair, guiding her mouth up and down. I groan as I watch her gorgeous mouth working me harder. I feel myself tighten up, and I know I’m close to release.

“Selene…if you don’t…oh God…you have to stop,” I pant harder each time she takes me further in her mouth. I finally push her away, holding her shoulders firmly.

“Well, captain Ross, you act like I was done.” She licks her lips, and the blood rushes to my face. She was going to finish me off, but I don’t want that. I want to be inside of her.

“You’re going to pay for that sexy mouth on my cock, baby.” I bring her up to my mouth. “I promise you, you’re going to be sore.”

I pick her up and take her to the bed. I rip off her bra and panties. I kiss her deeply before moving down her chest to her breast. I gently pull her nipple between my teeth as she digs her nails into my shoulder. I grab her thigh and push her legs apart. I release her breast and reach for a condom.

I roll it on, and without another word, push right into her. She yells out my name, arching her back. I push harder into her, again and again. She keeps saying my name.

“Harder,” she moans. I can’t push into her any deeper, so I stop.

“What-” Before she can say anything else, I flip her over. I pull her hips closer to me. She yells my name again as I pound harder into her core.

The room echoes with the noises of our panting and bodies slapping together. I feel her tightening around me, and I’m not going to last much longer. I feel her juices on me as I release in her. My knees give out and I fall onto her back.

“You’re smothering me, Brody,” she says, and I roll off of her.

I need to clean up, but I seriously can’t move. I lay there for another moment, and once my heart rate slows, I get up. When I finish up, I go back and lay next to her.

“You need to let Bonkers in,” she says.

I get back up and open the door. Bonkers runs in and jumps on the bed. I laugh at the dog and lay next to Selene. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her neck. There’s no place I rather be than with my girl.

Chapter Thirteen


Brody must’ve had a busy day because he’s already fallen asleep. My mind can’t begin to focus on any one thing right now. Where do I start? He bought me a car, admitted feelings for me, and then fucked me senseless. I don’t really know what to think. I want to talk this over, but it’s late and I rather not call Allison. Brody said we’re friends, and I need a friend. Rolling over to face him, I take a moment to cherish how adorable he looks sleeping. His lips are parted as he slightly snores and with his eyes closed, you can see how long his eyelashes are.

“Brody?” I whisper.

He squeezes his arms tighter, not opening his eyes as he sleepily says, “Yeah, babe?”

First baby and now babe? I would giggle if the purpose of me waking him up in the first place wasn’t looming over me. When I don’t say anything right away, he opens his eyes.

“Everything okay?” He squints, worried.

“I need to talk to my friend.”

That wakes him up. He tugs me closer, kisses the tip of my nose, and asks, “What’s up?”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance