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“Nope.” I grab her wrist and pull her to me. “I have that all worked out for you. Come on.” I look into her beautiful dark eyes before leading her to the door that opens to my garage. “This is for you.” I turn on the light, and it shines on the vehicle.

“What do you mean this is for me?” She looks up at me with a confused expression.

“Well, it’s not fair that you suffered from something that should have happened to me. Plus, you need a car. So, I bought you one. It’s a little newer, but it is Mustang red. Your other one wasn’t.” I chuckle at her.

“Brody, you…you can’t just buy me a car. Mine could be fixed. This wasn’t necessary.” She walks over to the car and stares at it, her fingertips touching the hood. Bonkers comes around me and wags his tail next to her.

“First,” I walk over to her and pull her into my arms, “I can buy you a car because it’s my fault anyway. Second, your other car is fixable, but do you really want to drive it? Sell it, make some money. It was very necessary for me to do this, Selene.”

“But Brody…” Her words trail off, like she doesn’t know what to say next.

I hold her tighter to my body. “Look it’s a gift. Just say thank you and enjoy it.”

She looks back at the car, then at me. “Thanks then.”

“See was that so hard?” I give her a kiss on the forehead.

“Yes, it was. I still don’t know what to make of it.”

“Baby, it’s because I want to make sure that you don’t suffer because of some crazy ass stalker.”

“Well, thank you,” she pauses for a moment. “Did you just call me baby? Not sure what I think about that either.” She giggles.

“Did I? I didn’t realize that. I think it fits though.” The doorbell rings, letting me know that the food is here. “Let’s eat.” I turn and head towards the door. I pay for our stuff and go back to the kitchen. Bonkers is running around like he’s doing laps. I wish I had half of his energy.

After we fix our plates, we sit down at the table. We don’t say anything as we eat for a little while. I’ve been thinking about it all day, and I have to ask.

“I know I shouldn’t push the issue, but have you thought about last night, not just the crazy part?”

“Of course, I have. I’ve been thinking about it since.” She doesn’t look up at me. Instead, Selene stares down at her food.

“I know that you said ‘we’ll see’, but I want you to know that I’m ready when you are. But I won’t bring it up again until you want to talk about it.” I really won’t bring it up anymore, but it’s killing me not knowing.

“Can I be honest about one thing for a second?” She sets her fork down and looks me right in the eyes.

“Of course.”

“I have tons of fun with you, Brody, but the girl has thrown me for a loop. Not saying anything in particular about us, just that she’s distracting me, if that makes sense.”

I nod. “It does,” I pause and I’m not sure if I should continue, but I do anyway. “If you want me to be honest, it makes me a bit sad. I haven’t felt this way about anyone in a very long time. Hell, I didn’t think I would ever feel this way again.” I shift uncomfortably. “I hope that you’ll be able to look past this and see that I’m here.”

She looks at me, but doesn’t say anything right away. “I need more time to process, that’s all I’m saying. Besides,” she gives me her sexy smile, “we’re still friends and fuck buddies, right?”

I grin. “Always. I can’t just stop having sex with you or stop being your friend. It would hurt my feelings, and what would Bonkers think if I didn’t come over and hang out?” I finish, looking at the dog laying at my feet.

“He’d start thinking you’re not only a lousy person, but it would probably affect how he sees you as a hockey player too.” We both burst out laughing. We finish our dinners and clean up everything.

“Guess I’ll head home,” Selene says.

“No,” I answer firmly. She looks at me puzzled. I walk up to her and cup her face. I can see in her face that she wants me. “Stay with me tonight. Wake up in my arms.”

She doesn’t say anything for a moment. “We stayed here last night. It’s my place tonight. Come over when you’re ready. I have to take care of Bonkers.” She kisses me hard. There is no doubt in my mind what she’s implying. When she breaks the kiss, she leaves. I’m standing in the kitchen alone. God, she has a sexual hold on me like no other. I finish the last couple of things in the kitchen, and then make sure my house is locked up tight before heading to Selene’s.

I knock, and she answers, hiding most of her body behind the door. My cock jumps inside my pants because this means she’s wearing something sexy. I quickly walk in and shut the door. There she stands in black lace underwear and a bra. She’s stunning.

“Like what you see?” Her voice is low and full of desire.

I can’t help myself. I have to have her right now. I block her in and grip the back of her neck. “Fair warning, you’re going to be sore in the morning.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance