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rly, bro.” He sounds half asleep, even though he should be up already.

“Bradley, I need someone to talk to.” He’s the only person that knows me best in this world. It’s not just the fact we’re brothers, he truly is a great person.

“I’m up. Talk.” I can hear him shuffling around, getting out of bed.

I begin telling him everything that is going. I go into details about Jessica and all her craziness. Then I tell him all about Selene and our relationship. I express every feeling imaginable. The anger I feel for Jessica and the deep likeness I have for Selene.

“Brody, I don’t think I’ve heard you go on about a girl like this in a long time. You really like Selene, don’t you?”

“I do. I like her a lot, Bradley, and I don’t know what to do.”

“Give her time. Don’t push her. There is obviously something that she isn’t ready for, so be there for her as a friend.”

“You’re right. I’m just hoping that Jessica hasn’t ruined everything for me.”

“Let the police and lawyers handle her. You keep up with Selene if that’s what you want.”

I do want that. I want Selene. Holding her in my arms last night is something I want to do every night. It’s been so long since I’ve cared this much about someone.

“Thanks, Bradley. I meant it. You’re coming soon, right?”

“Yep. I’ll be there next week. Apparently, you need me more than I thought.” He chuckles.


“Love you too, brother.”

“Love you,” and I hang up.

I sit there for another moment thinking about what he said. I shouldn’t push her. I’m not going to push. I look at the time, knowing I need to be on the team plane in a couple of hours. I think about the fact the Selene doesn’t have a car because of me. How is she going to get around while I’m out of town the next few days? I come up with an idea.

First person I call is my coach. I explain to him that Jessica has gone bat-ass crazy on me, and I need to handle things before heading on the road. Coach understands, and they will announce that I will miss tonight’s game. I tell him that I will try to make it to the next one.

Second person I call is my lawyer. Yes, I’m aware that it’s still early, but I pay him a lot of money, and I know that he’ll answer the phone. He does. He explains to me that I need to come to the office and sign a couple of things, and then he’ll file everything for me. I tell him I’ll be there in about an hour. I get in the shower and get ready to start this crazy day.

After I finish with everything at the attorney’s office, I head towards the closest car dealership. It’s not fair that Selene will be without a car because of me. The question is, what do I get her? I decide to get her a newer model of what she already had.

It takes me almost all day, but I find it. It’s a 2013 Acura TL. I make sure that it’s a deep red, just like the Mustangs, and that it’s top of the line. I pay extra to have it delivered to her house today. She still thinks I’m on the road, and I want to be there to surprise her with it. I know that she will be home soon. I have them park the car in the garage because I don’t want her to see it until I’m ready.

Me: Come to my house when you get home, bring Bonkers

Selene: Why aren’t you at the game? I saw where they said you’re not there

Me: Come to my house, please

I have about an hour. I quickly clean up and order some takeout. This night is going to be about Selene. I’ll make sure of it. The knocking brings me out of my thoughts. When I open the door, I see that she hasn’t changed out of her work clothes yet.

“Well, don’t you look lovely?” I smirk at her.

“Brody, why aren’t you playing tonight?” She has Bonkers in one hand and puts her other hand on her hip with a stern look on her face.

“Come in and calm down.” She shakes her head and walks in. She sits Bonkers down and he bounces around me. “I had a million things to do today, so I took the day off. I’ll meet up with the team tomorrow. How was your day?

She sighs. “Fine, I guess. Yours?”

“Busy. I had to go to the lawyer’s office and sign a bunch of papers, then I had other errands to do.” I give her a small smile because I can’t wait to show her the car.

“Oh, okay. Well, I need to call about my car and find out about getting a rental, so I’ll see you?” She goes to walk around me.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance