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“It’s me,” Brody soothes. “I’m taking you to my room, you’re fine. Go back to sleep.”

Immediately, I relax against him. “What time is it?”

“Late.” He lays me down, and I wake up enough to realize that I’m in his bedroom, just as he said I would be. “I’ve taken care of everything,” he adds, hovering over me. “Get some rest, Selene.” He leans down and kisses me gently.

The thought of sleeping by myself tonight scares me, so I ask, “You’re sleeping in here too, right?”

“Of course. I have to change and then I’m joining you.”

It’s then I notice he’s still wearing his clothes from earlier, his shirt half untucked and his bow tie hanging from his neck. “Hurry,” is all I say. Brody finds it in him to grin and then he’s gone to change, but I’ve fallen asleep before he can get back.


I wake up to Bonkers at my feet and Brody’s chest against my back as he nuzzles my neck, saying, “Selene, wakey wakey.”

Bonkers realizes we’re awake at the sound of Brody’s voice and my following giggle. He jumps over my legs to greet me. I pet him and laugh again as I question, “Wakey, wakey?”

Brody kisses the crook of my neck. “Yes, do you have a problem with that?” he teases.

“Nope. What time is it?”

He looks over his shoulder and then reports, “6:30ish. I didn’t know what time you get up for work, so I figured that was a good time.”

And that’s when it hits me. Work. Allison has to take me because my car can’t be driven thanks to this crazy girl. I didn’t feel safe last night because of what she did to my car and the note she left, all while I was home. While Brody was home. She could have been caught at any second, but she obviously didn’t care.

“Hey,” Brody starts. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I should go. Allison’s coming to pick me up,” I answer as I start to get up.

“Selene.” He grabs me by the waist. “You don’t have to worry. My lawyer is working on restraining orders. A police report has been filed for your car, but you’ve got to go down there and sign a few things, and I’ve got someone coming to pick up your car, so they can fix it. It should be sitting at your office before you get off work.”

I move out of his hold and stand to face him, my hands propped on my hips. “Well, I am worried. I was home. You were home and she still came back to vandalize my car. My car, Brody. Yours wasn’t touched. She threatened me, not you. So forgive me if I’m worried that your stalker has made me her target and she knows where I live. I locked my door last night just to walk here. That’s absurd, especially when I wasn’t planning to be gone for more than five minutes.” I take a deep breath. “Thank you for taking care of my car. I should go.”

As I’m leaving his room, I hear him getting up to follow me. “Selene, wait.” I don’t. “If you don’t feel safe, I can hire someone to sit outside the house and be on the look out for her. The last thing I want for is you to feel unsafe at your own home. Will you wait a damn second?”

I turn around abruptly and he almost runs into me. He cups my face with his hands.

“She’s not dumb enough to come back here. Not once she gets those papers. Please don’t worry. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with it.”

All of my fight leaves me. Being angry with Brody isn’t the right thing to do. I lean forward and kiss him as I place my arms around his waist. “Sorry. I don’t mean to be upset with you. I really do need to go, though. Thank you for letting me sleep over. I’ll call you later.”

He stares at me, watching to determine if I’m being honest or not. “If you need me, call me. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing, I’ll stop. Don’t hesitate.”

“Okay. I won’t.”

Brody dips his head to kiss me, almost making me forget about work altogether. Reluctantly, I pull away, call Bonkers, and leave to get ready.

Chapter Twelve


I watch Selene walk to her house. I stare at her car, and for the first time in my life, I want to scream in frustration. I can’t believe Jessica did this. Doesn’t she get it that I don’t want to be with her? Why even go after Selene?

I go back into my house and slam the door. I drop onto my couch and stare up at my ceiling. Last night was a mess and great at the same time. I could have danced with Selene all night long. Even though I put my feelings out there, she didn’t completely shoot me down. Now, I’m not sure, all because of Jessica.

I call my twin brother. I need to vent.

“It’s a little ea

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance