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Stop seeing Brody or next time, I’m coming after you.

She’s threatening me? Has she been bothering Brody since he stopped sleeping with her? What else is she capable of? Will she really go further and come afte

r me now? A large part of me doesn’t want to find out.

“Selene?” Allison questions behind me again.

“I’ll be right back. Keep an eye on Bonkers,” I say without looking back at her.

Calmly, I walk over to Brody’s. I knock swiftly three times and wait. He opens the door with the phone glued to his ear. Worry flashes in his eyes, but I don’t say anything. I take his free hand, leading him outside until he can see my car, and then I hand him the note she left.

“We’ve got a new problem,” he says to who I’m assuming is his lawyer on the other end. “I’ll call you back.” He hangs up and turns to me. “Selene,” he starts remorsefully. “I’m so sorry. She won’t hurt you, I promise.”

“Don’t ever call me a stalker again,” I tell him quietly.

“Will someone tell me what the hell is going on?” Allison yells.

“I’ll handle this. Don’t worry, okay?” he tells me, ignoring her.

I nod. “Go call him back and then come over.”

Brody kisses my forehead, and then goes back to his house, already dialing. I walk into my house with Allison following me inside. She starts to talk, but I throw my hand up to make her stop. I’m a little shaken. The girl didn’t go after both our cars, only mine. She’s mad with Brody, but she’s obviously taking that out on me. Her note made it clear that I’m her target in whatever the hell she’s doing to try to win him back. What’s next?

To give her the short version, I explain, “Brody has a stalker. He invited me to a benefit dinner tonight and she was there, even though she shouldn’t have been. She followed us back, Brody had to run her off, and looks like she came back and did that to my car. Thanks for watching Bonkers for me.”

“Oh, wow.”

I sit on my couch and call Bonkers over to me. He licks my cheek before settling to lay in my lap. He’s the perfect comfort right now. Allison sits next to me.

“Are you okay, Selene?”

“Yeah, I guess. I don’t think I’ve really processed it yet.”

“Do you want me to pick you up and take you to work until you can get your car fixed? Shouldn’t we call the police?” she asks.

“Brody is supposed to take care of that. And yes, please, if you would.”

“Of course.” She pats my hand. “Are you two seeing each other?”

“I don’t know what we’re doing anymore.” I lean my head back on my couch, staring at my ceiling. “I’m tired, Allison. I think I’m going to bed.”

“Do you want me to stay with you?”

I shake my head. “I’ll be fine. Thanks, though.”

She gives me a hug before leaving. Taking no chance, even though it’ll only be five minutes, I hold Bonkers, lock my door, and walk over to Brody’s. Texting him won’t do any good if he’s on the phone. I’ll just let him know that I’m going to bed. He answers the door much like he did while ago. Bonkers starts wiggling in my arms, excited to see Brody.

“Hold on,” he says to his lawyer.

“I wanted to tell you that I’m going to bed. I’m tired and you might be a while.”

“It won’t be much longer. Come in.” He steps aside, so I walk in.

I let Bonkers down and sit on his couch, while Brody disappears upstairs once he motions that he’ll be right back. Bonkers gets comfy next to me as my eyes start to droop.


At the feel of being lifted, I startle awake.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance