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“I like her,” Kris whispers to me.

I nod. “I like her too.”

“Is the crazy bitch still texting you?”

I nod. “Yep, and won’t stop. I think I need my lawyer to contact her for her to get the picture.”

“That sucks, but it might have to be done.”

The dinner goes very smoothly, and the food isn’t too bad either. The announcer come back up to the podium and tells everyone the auction will start soon.

“What is he talking about?” Selene asks.

“This is a benefit dinner. The ‘benefit’ is that they’re going to be auctioning off the Mustang players,” Kris explains.

“You’re being auctioned off?” Selene asks, and I nod. “You didn’t tell me that.”

“It’s for a hockey date. You get to come to a game, sit in the glass section, and then have a personal meet and greet at the end of the game,” I tell her. I don’t usually like these things, but it’s for a good cause.

“Kris.” Selene leans over me and closer to him. “I’m going to bet every dime I have for a date with you, okay?”

“Hello, I’m right here. Aren’t I your date?” I wave my hand in between them.

“Shh, Meatball, the lady knows a good thing when she sees it.” Kris winks at her, and she giggles.

Then we are called up to the stage to begin the auction. I’ll be going last. I always go last. One by one, each team member is auctioned off. I’m glad that so much money is being raised. Kris goes for $7,500. Of course, he smirks at me, challenging me to top him. Next, they call me for my turn. There’s nothing like standing here like a piece of meat.

“For captain Brody Ross, we will start at $2,000.” Of course, ev

ery lady in the room raises their hands. I almost blush as I see Selene’s hand up with a bright smile.

“How about $4,000?” Some ladies put their hands down.

“$10,000!” someone shouts in the corner. I look over and see Jessica. Oh, shit. I glance at Kris, and he knows it’s her too.

“$15,000!” I whip my head and see Selene’s hand up.

“$17,000!” Jessica yells back. How the hell did she even get in here? No one else knows her.

“$20,000!” Selene shouts back. I don’t care what number she says, I’ll pay it as long as Jessica doesn’t win.

Jessica’s lips are tight with anger. She doesn’t have that kind of money. She stomps her foot like a child that lost her toy and storms out.

“Going once, twice, sold!” the announcer booms.

I breathe a sigh of relief. Selene won. Everyone claps, and we head back to the table.

“That’s the crazy bitch, isn’t it?” Kris pulls on my arm right before we make it to the table.

“Yep. How the hell did she get in here?”

“Call the lawyer, Brody. I’m serious.” I can’t remember the last time Kris called me by my name or looked so stern. I nod. Selene is standing when I make it to the table with a big smile on her face.

“Looks like I won,” Selene coos.

“I’ve never been so thankful.” I pull her into my arms. “Dance with me.” The music starts up, and people are making their way to the floor. She nods, and I lead us there as well. I pull her close to me, inhaling her scent. We sway slowly to the music as I look around, making sure that Jessica isn’t around.

“I’m not going to be able to buy shoes for a very long time,” she whispers.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance