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“Don’t you worry, I’ll take care of the tab,” I whisper in her ear.

“What?” She pulls back a bit. “Why? I won, I’ll take care of it. I wasn’t going to let that crazy chick win you.”

“You think she’s crazy?”

“Um, duh, Brody. I’m sure that it’s tattooed on her forehead,” she scoffs.

“Trust me, you saved me.”

“So, what’s the story with her?”

I shake my head. “That is for another time. Not tonight. Tonight’s about you and me.” I lean down and gently kiss her lips.

Chapter Eleven


To avoid looking at him, I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. My mind keeps picturing a heartbroken Brody. I don’t want to hurt him. If he ever needs me or needs to trust me, I don’t want to let him down like I let Stacy down.

“You’re blurring the lines,” I whisper so softly, almost in hopes that he doesn’t hear me.

“What do you mean?”

“You aren’t treating me as if I’m just your friend to put it nicely.”

There’s a long pause before he responds. “What if you being my friend isn’t what I want?”

Why did he have to say that? It sparks an excitement, but also terror. I decide to focus on the latter. “Things are good right now, Brody. You’re my friend and my neighbor. Lots can go wrong there.”

“Then again,” he runs one hand up and down my back before resting it on my lower back and continues, “a lot could go right. The only difference would be going out on dates. Maybe sleepovers too, instead of fucking and leaving.”

“I’m not saying this to tease you this time, but we’ll see. It’s too much of a risk to make any kind of decision on a whim.”

Brody pulls back to force me to look at him. “Why do you have such a barrier over your heart, Selene? I know why I have one. I haven’t had a serious girlfriend since Junior’s. In fact, I’ve only had fuck buddies since then. So, what’s your story?” He watches me carefully, as if I would spill my guts right here in the middle of the dance floor.

I avoid his question like a pro. “Can’t I protect my heart for the obvious reasons? Do I have to have a story? If you think about it long enough, maybe you’ll figure it out. If I do have a story after all.” Getting involved with Brody could eventually negatively affect my love for hockey and I can’t lost that.

“Well, I guess you don’t have a story like mine, I was just wondering. The only real question I have is, do you want to have something more with me?”

The music fades, allowing for a perfect escape. “Some things shall remain a mystery. Song’s over and I would like something to drink.” I give him a small smile.

Brody allows me to lead us back to our table. We’re halfway there when he whispers from behind me, “Just so you know, I think you do.”

I ignore him and the heat that rushes through me. He pulls out my chair, so I take a seat. With the main event over, the rest of the benefit seems to pass quickly and soon, we’re getting ready to leave. Kris is the last person we say goodbye to.

“It was so nice to meet you. I hope your wife feels better soon,” I tell him.

He grins. “Thanks. I hope the Swedish Meatball is worth all your money,” he jokes.

“Kris, leave me alone,” Brody laughs. He says his goodbye and then leads me to pay my $20,000 bill. “Are you-” he starts.

“Yep,” I interrupt. It’s for a good cause and I can pay it thanks to a trust I have. There’s no way I’m going to let him pay for any of it. I write the check with a smile and then we are officially on our way back home.

Brody holds my hand in the limo. We’re silent for a bit before he says, “Thank you for coming with me. Did you have fun?”

“Yes, I did. Thank you for inviting me.”

Brody grins and turns towards me a little. “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance