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“Oh, yeah, I forgot to warn him that you’re his stalker.” I chuckle at her. “You might have issues with his wife then. She’s kind of attached to him.”

“Just because I’m his stalker doesn’t mean I want him. All I want is to say hello and thanks for his autograph on your jersey.”

“Hey, I was the one who got him to sign it, what do I get?” I slightly pout at her.

She giggles. “You already got your reward.”

“I did? I might need you to remind me. Maybe later tonight?”

“We’ll see. Once we get back home, of course. You’re on the job.”

I stop and look at her. Any other girl would be trying to blow me on the way to the event. “So, you’re not the type of girl to have sex in public?”

“I didn’t technically say that.” She has a sexy smile on her face. “You don’t do those things when it’s work-related, but no, I wouldn’t have sex in public.”

“Wow, I learned something new about you.” I pause unsure if I should go further. Something tells me to tell her the truth. “I like that in a girl. I like the ones that don’t just have sex everywhere and anywhere.”

“Are you saying you like me, Brody?” There’s a little bit of shock in her voice.

“You’re my friend, of course I like you.” My heartbeats increase. I do like her as a friend. She means something to me. I know that because of last night. I’m just not sure if there is more or not. Could I put my heart out there again?

“Good. I’m glad you’re my friend.” She pats my hand.

We remain quiet until we reach the event. Almost all of the team will be there, along with other big names in Indiana. I go around to her side of the limo, opening the door for her. She gracefully steps out of the limo and takes my arm. We go into the event, and I check us in. I can already feel everyone staring at me. That is because I’m with my girl.

Shit, I thought it again.

“Oh my God, there are a lot of players and famous people here,” she leans in and whispers. I can smell her shampoo, and it still smells like fresh flowers. The scent drives me wild.

“You’re not going to go all crazy in here, are you?” I whisper back to her.

“Depends on who I meet,” she smiles.

We walk into the dinner hall, which has been redone into looking like a winter wonderland. We find our table, and I pull her chair out for her.

“You never pull my chair out for me, Meatball.” Kris slaps me on the back.

“That is because you’re not as nice as Selene,” I snap back to him.

“Selene, the non-stalker?” Kris smiles at her and shakes her hand.

“Well, I’m your stalker, not Brody’s.” She smiles back at him.

“That means you have better taste.” He sits down next to me. “Meatball here is just a kid. If you need a man, call me.”

Selene leans in towards him. “I don’t think your wife would approve.” She giggles.

“You’re right, and I wouldn’t cheat on her. She stole my heart a long time ago,” Kris says brightly.

“Aw, that’s so sweet,” Selene replies lovingly.

“Where is Wifey?” I ask.

“She isn’t feeling well.”

I am about to ask what’s wrong, but the announcer starts to speak. He tells us that dinner is going to begin soon and for everyone to find their tables. Our table fills up, and I watch Selene’s eyes go wide when our head coach, owner, and a couple of the upper management sit with us.

I introduce her to everyone, and she smiles politely. When the first course comes, I look at the dainty salad. I can never understand this. Selene, on the other hand, is chatting up with the general manager’s wife. She softly laughs, talks in a quieter tone, and when she eats, it’s small ladylike bites. Okay, no guy should really care about this, but I do. I don’t mind a woman being independent, but I want someone who holds themselves with higher standards too.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance