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She stares at me few several seconds.

“It’s black tie event. I don’t know if you would enjoy being out of that awesome looking jersey.” I softly chuckle.

“I have several dresses for black tie events. I go to a lot of things for my dad. Although, I do like this jersey.” She gives me a small smile.

“Is that a ‘yes’?” I ask.

She nods. “Yes. I would love to.”

“Great, the limo will be here at six.” I give her a quick kiss on the lips and head back over to my house.


The limo service called me and confirmed that they are ten minutes away. I really dislike limos. I would rather go in my own vehicle. However, you can’t argue when your boss is the one sending it. I look in the mirror and adjust my tie again. I really don’t like bow ties either. I grab my wallet and phone and walk over to Selene’s place.

I knock on her door. The moment the door opens, my jaw hits the ground. Selene is stunning. Her dark hair is in loose curls, framing her face. Her makeup is flawless, enhancing her beauty. It’s the dress that put it all together though. It’s a deep red color that goes all the way to the ground. It’s tight around her breasts and torso, then slightly flows out from her waist. The chiffon wrap twinkles in the light.

“Brody, you okay?” she asks.

“Oh, yeah, I’m great. Just amazed by how great you look.” I can’t take my eyes off her.

She puts her hands on her hips. “So, I look like shit all the others times you’ve seen me?”

“No, no, that’s not what I meant. I haven’t seen you dressed like this,” I stammer on my words.


; She gives me a small smile. “I think I need a better explanation than that, captain.”

I’m about to tell her that I would rather stay home with her than go to the dinner, but the limo beeps for us.

“Saved by the horn.” I grin.

She shakes her head but she smiles. It’s nice to see her smile again. Last night was hard on me, seeing her so sad. I’m glad that she told me, and I hate she went through all of that alone. When I got home, I thought about what a strong person she is and how much she has dealt with. It meant a lot to me that she trusted me with her story. I knew that was a hard one to tell.

I couldn’t imagine going through something like that. I have friends, but to have a best friend die at such a young age is so much harder. I’m sure that she still blames herself, but look how far she has come. I take her by the hand, and we walk towards the limo. The driver is about to get out to come around, but I wave him away. I’ll take care of my girl tonight.

My girl?

Is Selene my girl?

“Well, aren’t you chivalrous?” Selene coos at me as I open the door for her. I smile at her. She gets into the limo, and I go around to do the same. “So, why the limo?” she asks. She sits with her legs crossed, being very ladylike, and isn’t acting like this is a rapper’s video. The last time I took a girl to a dinner, she wanted to have sex with me in the limo. Sure, I like to be adventurous, but not when it’s a work event. I mean, I’m nothing like Carson Lee. He is the NHL’s bad boy. I, on the other hand, try to keep my image down.

“Well, the Mustang owner likes for us to come in style for big events.”

“Oh, like the opening day red carpet event?”

“Yep, just like that.” We sit there in silence for a little while. “I didn’t see Bonkers. Where was he?”

She smiles. “He’s with my friend, Allison, tonight. I didn’t know how long we would be gone, and I didn’t want to come home to a huge mess.”

“I can understand that.” I nod.

“What should I expect at the dinner?” She looks at me with her big dark eyes. She doesn’t seem nervous, but more curious.

“Well, it’s a dinner for a local charity. The one thing you might get out of this night is a lot of autographs since the whole team is going to be there.”

“Awesome. I’m excited to see Kris then,” she teases.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance