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“Hey, come on in,” I greet.

Bonkers goes crazy at his feet when he steps inside. I close the door with a silent deep breath. Here’s the moment of truth.

“You kn-” Brody stops when I turn to face him. His eyes rake over my body, and I know I’ve succeeded.

Rocking slightly on my heels, I slyly smile. “I’m waiting and ready as requested.”

That hungry look he’s giving me is making me hot already. “Good,” he finally manages as I step closer until I’m right in front of him. He grabs my hips, but Bonkers distracts us as he jumps on my leg.

“I’ll be right back,” I tell him. “Come, Bonkers.” When I turn around from letting him outside, Brody is standing in front of me. He pulls me flush against him, kissing me with a desperate need. I wrap my arms around him as he grabs my legs, pulling them around his waist. My head tilts to the left as Brody moves his lips to my neck, swirling his tongue over the skin.

“Mm,” he hums. “I’ve missed this.”

Brody sits me on my countertop as his hands unbutton those few buttons. I tug his shirt up and over his head, running my hands down his chest. He pulls my bra down on one side to free one of my breasts. His mouth is instantly on it as one hand goes to the other and his other hand makes its way between my legs.

My head falls back against the cabinet. For a second, I forget what I was about to do, I’m so overcome by the sensations. I unbutton and unzip his pants, pushing them down to free his cock. When I take him in my hand, Brody groans against my breast, nipping. He lifts his head to kiss me, pushing away my hand after a moment, and I hear a condom wrapper rip. Brody stops kissing me to roll it on before grabbing my hips and bringing my ass to rest on the edge of the counter. He pushes my panties to the side, slowly entering me.

“Oh, Brody,” I breathe, my eyes fluttering close.

He starts thrusting into me with one hand rubbing my clit as he drags his tongue teasingly from my breast up my neck, stopping to suck on my earlobe, before finally reaching my mouth. The heels of my feet dig into his backside as his thumb moves faster, and he drives into me harder. My back arches. I tighten around his cock, my hands grabbing onto his shoulders to anchor myself as he slams into me, and we both hit our climax at the same time. I can’t withhold my scream. We’re breathing hard, resting our foreheads against each other, and my legs are still locked around him.

“We need to stop having sex in my kitchen,” I manage to gather enough sense to speak. Brody chuckles. A bark catches my attention. “Bonkers!” Shit. I forgot he was outside. Brody pulls out of me, so I can hop down and let my dog back inside. Once I do, I fix my bra and panties and button the shirt again. Brody has disappeared, probably to throw the condom away. Sure enough, he reappears shortly after. “It’s good to have you back, neighbor.” I smirk.

“Glad you are what I have waiting for me when I get home,” he grins.

I feel like I need a moment to fully recollect myself, so I lean against the door frame with my eyes closed. When I open them, Brody is watching me.

“You’re probably ready to go home and relax,” I hint.

He smiles, shaking his head. “Always getting rid of me. But you’re right. I’ll see you later, Selene.”

And then he’s gone. Sex with Brody was exactly what I needed before drowning in my sorrows. I shower, change, and clean the kitchen. Once all that is done, I grab a beer and the photo album off the top shelf of the bookcase in the living room. My heart hurts already. I haven’t even opened it yet. Bonkers crawls onto my lap and curls into a ball. I flip through the memories, each image evoking a particular one. “Vacation” has officially started.

My phone dings later that night with a text.

Brody: Want to hang out?

My response is simple and hopefully, Brody will understand to leave me be for a while.

Me: No.

Chapter Ten


I sit in the locker room, listening to everyone talking, but not really hearing anything. I’m staring at my phone.

Jessica: You’re the love of my life. I need you

Jessica: Please baby I’ll do anything you want

Jessica: CALL ME! We can work this out

Jessica: We belong together

Jessica: Don’t do this to us

“You look like you’re doing a really hard math problem,” Kris says, sitting next to me. I hand him my phone. “Whoa, looks like you do have a stalker.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance