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“I don’t know how many more times I have to tell her to leave me alone.” I shake my head. I sent Jessica several texts, repeatedly telling her to stop. It didn’t help, she just keeps sending more.

“Isn’t it strange the one you thought was a stalker isn’t one and the one that you didn’t think was a stalker is one. Funny how that works?” Kris chuckles.

“Shut up,” I groan as another text comes through. “They won’t stop.”

“Sucks to be you, captain. Anyway, there’s a purpose of me coming over here.”

“Which is?”

“I need to make sure that you remember about the dinner tomorrow night. It’s black tie, so don’t show up in jeans.”

“I remember, and I’ve never shown up in jeans before.”

“Are you bringing a date? Maybe Miss Crazy could come or Miss Fuck Buddy?”

“There is no way in hell Jessica is coming. As for Selene, she hasn’t talked to me the last couple of days.” I sent her many texts asking if she wanted to hook-up or come over, but each time, the answer has been ‘no’.

“Wait, are you telling me that Miss Fuck Buddy is failing as your, well, fuck buddy?”

“Stop calling her that. She has a name,” I growl at him. “She might be busy or something. Actually, I have no clue why she isn’t calling back.”

He slaps my shoulder. “Don’t dwell on it. Just think about the game tonight and being Mr. Perfect-Captain-Meatball tomorrow night.”

“Ass,” I mumble as he walks away. I look down at my phone one more time as another text comes in from Jessica. This is a nightmare. I scroll through until I find Selene’s name.

Me: Want to hang out before the game?

Selene: No

I lay my head back and try to think if I’ve done anything wrong. I don’t want her upset with me. After sex, she’s always the one telling me to get out, so I know that isn’t the issue. I’d tossed and turned last night thinking about Selene. I knew she was home, I could see her lights on, but she keeps saying ‘no’. I give up thinking about it. I finish getting changed and head home.

I lay on my couch, resting before tonight’s game. I try not to think about Selene, but my mind keeps wandering back to her. I know that she is okay because I hear Bonkers from time-to-time in the backyard. Sad to say, I miss that little guy too. Do I miss Selene as well? Or the sex? She is a good lay, I will say that much. However, I miss her smile and laugh.

I think about other night when I went over there. Unlike Jessica, Selene hid behind the door, and I like that I was the only one who got to see her that way. Jessica wouldn’t care who saw her, which I don’t like. When I have thought of myself in a serious relationship as an adult, it’s been with a classy lady. She doesn’t display herself in a manner that would be like a slut. I can see that in Selene. She’s classy, and I like that about her. I really like that about her. I shake my head at the thought of Selene and a relationship and take a nap.

r />


The game was intense, and my back is killing me. I don’t know how many times I was slammed into the boards tonight, but I can sure feel it now. I pull into my driveway, head straight into the kitchen to grab a beer, and go out on the back porch. I’m so thankful that the only thing I have to do tomorrow is go to that benefit dinner.

I hear soft music playing, and I turn to see Selene on her back porch. The moon is bright, and I can see her in my jersey. She’s sitting on her bench, looking up to the sky. I watch as she reaches down and grabs something from the cooler next to her. It’s then I can see Bonkers in her lap. I’m not sure if it’s the moonlight shadow, but she looks sad. I step off my porch and go towards the gate. If she’s sad, I want to make sure she’s okay.

“Crying over a game loss tonight?” I say in a joking voice.

“Hey, Brody.” She wipes away tears from her face. Bonkers sits up a little, wagging his tail, but he doesn’t leave her lap.

“Um, would you like some company? We could drown our sorrows together?” I don’t want her to be alone until I know she’s okay.

“I have beer.” She pats her cooler.

I take that as a ‘yes’ and open the gate. I walk up her porch stairs and sit next to her and Bonkers. It’s the first time since I met him that he doesn’t jump in my lap. “I haven’t see you the past couple days. Everything okay?” I ask gingerly.

“I always take this week off. I stay home and sulk,” she says back, almost in a whisper.

Nothing is said between us for a few moments. Only the low music is humming through the night air.

“Why?” I bravely inquire.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance