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“Bonkers,” I call. “C’mon, boy. It’s time for hockey.”

He flies into the house, so I shut the door, grab my plate, and settle down in front of the TV. Just as the puck drops, my phone rings. Don’t these people know that there is a game on? Why are they calling me? The caller ID shows that it’s my mother. I don’t talk to my parents all that much. No reason why, we just aren’t that family. They divorced soon after I left for college. Dad and I mostly talk business while Mom tells me about her most recent travels. She’s retired and now spends all her time traveling around the world, wherever the wind leads her.

We talk about where she is currently, but I end the conversation quickly because I almost drop the phone and knock over my drink from excitement when Brody scores. The Mustangs are up by one!

“Did you see that goal, Bonkers?”

He barks in response, and I laugh. We watch the rest of the game together, Bonkers getting excited when I say something about a goal. The Mustangs win their first of two away games this trip. Later when it’s time for bed, instead of sleeping at the foot like usual, Bonkers decides to cuddle up to my chest and sleep there. He’s so precious sometimes.

Saturdays are when I catch up on all the cleaning that needs to be done around the house, go through the mail, and whatever else I have to do. Around one when I’m taking a break, I get a text.

Brody: Miss me yet? lol. I expect to see you tomorrow

I laugh at the first part of his message.

Me: I miss parts of you, but we’ll see.

Brody: Just parts? I really need to try harder for that #1 spot

I giggle at his response.

Me: Yes, you do.

Brody: Then let me see you when I get back.

Maybe I’m overthinking his text because it almost seems like he really wants to see me. More than what he should for just sex. But I’m sure it’s only the general misunderstanding that comes with texts.

Me: I live next door. Won’t be going anywhere soon. You’ll see me.

Brody: Am I getting the brush off?

Me: No.

Brody: Just making sure. I don’t like to lose, and I want that #1 spot

Me: You really want to be #1, don’t ya?

Brody: Yep. You better be ready and waiting.

A rush of warmth hits my body.

Me: Is that an order? ;)

Brody: You bet your ass it is. See you then.

Ready and waiting, huh? Well then, Brody Ross, I’ll have to see what I can do about that. For now, I have to finish cleaning my house. It’s a boring weekend, really, with the exception of another game tonight. Brody scores another goal and racks up some assists too. As if Bonkers knows what’s coming in the upcoming week, he sticks close to me.

“Don’t be such a downer yet, Bonkers,” I whisper when we’re lying in bed later. He huffs in response. “Brody will be back tomorrow.” He doesn’t lift his head, but his ears do perk up. “Not such a bad neighbor, huh?” When he huffs again, I decide to quit talking and get some rest.


Brody texted me this morning to let me know when I can expect him. With a few hours to spare, I do something I’ve never done for a fuck buddy before. I go buy something just for today. Only because Brody told me to be ready and waiting. The second he lays his eyes on me, I want him to instantly want to throw me over his shoulder and take me to the nearest bed.

By the time I get back home and doll myself up, I have a few minutes before Brody gets here. I double check myself in the mirror. What if he doesn’t go for it? What if I’m setting this up too

much? My hair is in a high, messy bun, my legs smooth, and my feet bare. I’m wearing sheer, red panties with a matching strapless bra. I debated for half an hour if I should wear bottoms before deciding against it. Therefore, over my bra and panties, I’m wearing a plain white, collared, button-up shirt. A few of the buttons are done to show off bare skin here and there.

Maybe I should change. Just then, there is a knock on door. Time’s up. To make sure it’s Brody and I don’t open the door like this to someone else, I use the peephole. Yep, it’s Brody. With most of my body hidden behind it, I open the door with a smile.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance