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I grab my side and fall over laughing. I can’t remember ever laughing this hard, but the image in my head of the bad kiss is killing me. “You got a dog kiss from him. That’s classic.”

“Your dogsitting duties are over. Don’t you have somewhere you need to go?”

“Nope,” I say, trying to catch my breath. “I need to stay longer and make fun of this ‘date’.” I chuckle some more. Finally, I’m able to calm down. “Anyway, to answer your question, Bonkers and I had a blast together. The dog actually watches hockey.”

“I told you he did. You know, I’ve heard some TV companies have channels just for dogs to watch. All I need are hockey channels.” She sits there for a second, not saying anything. “Ugh, I need beer. Want any?” She gets up and heads to the kitchen.

“Sure, why not?” I follow her. “Hey.” I point to the fridge. “Who are these pictures of on the fridge?”

“Parents and an old friend from high school.” She shrugs, handing me the beer. We stand there for a moment, not saying anything. “If you were a good friend, instead of picking on me about my date, you could be making me feel better. I’m starting to think that you aren’t so great at this friends thing,” she teases, giving me a gorgeous look in her eyes.

I grab her beer from her hand and set it on the counter. I take her wrist and pull her to me. “I’ll make you forget your date.” I kiss her hard, driving my tongue into her mouth and lifting her up unto the counter. I pull off her boots and unbutton her pants. I jerk them off, tossing them onto the floor. She lifts her hips as I slide her lace thong down. She moans as I spread her legs. I kiss the inside of her thigh, and her breathing speeds up. A smile crosses my lips as I kiss her other thigh.

“Brody,” she moans my name. I hook her hips and pull her closer to me. I swipe my tongue on her folds. She digs her hands into my hair, and I lick her again. Her hips begin to rock as I suck her clit. I move my hand from her hip and slide two fingers into her wetness.

“Oh my God, Brody.” She rocks harder against my mouth. I push and suck harder. Selene’s soft moans and panting fill the kitchen.

She says my name over and over, and I feel her body tightening up. I know that she’s getting close to releasing. She grasps my hair and moans out my name one last time as she explodes around my fingers. I kiss her clit gently and remove my fingers before I kiss each of her thighs, listening to her soft panting.

“I needed that.” She grabs me and tugs at my shirt, but I stop her. “Um, I need to return the favor.”

I shake my head. “Not tonight. This was about you. That’s what friends are for. I’ll see you when I get back from the road trip.” And then I leave her on the counter as I head out and over to my house.

Chapter Nine


What the hell just happened? Brody has left me stunned and half naked in my kitchen. He gets me off and then leaves? It’s weird to say the least. Sweet that because I had a crappy date, he let me have all the fun, but I’m still stunned that he did so. Especially since he’s about to leave for a road trip.

The thought puts an ache between my legs already. God, sex with him is becoming addictive. He’s just so good and so hot. I’m tempted to call him and tell him if tonight is really about me, then he needs to get his ass back over here. Instead, I take a deep breath, go upstairs to shower, and get ready for bed. No matter how hard I try though, I can’t forget what happened before he left.

In the morning at work, a glance at the calendar reinforces that I should have made Brody come back to my house. When he gets back from his road trip, I’ll be about to start my stay-at-home vacation where I’ll isolate myself in my house for a full week. Allison barges into my office with a grin on her face.

“So? It went great, right? When are you seeing him again?” She’s so excited, and I’m about to wipe that smile smack off her face.

“If I see him again, then I’ll know I’m in Hell because God is punishing me.”

Allison’s face falls in disappointment. “What? What happened? Freddy said it went great!”

I shake my head furiously. “No, no, no. He’s nice, yeah. But everything else? Nuh-uh. Plus, he’s a horrible kisser.” I almost gag at the memory. “Sorry to disappoint you, Allison,” I add.

Her shoulders sag. “Well, damn. I was hoping to get you laid since you complained about not having someone around for sex.”

A grin lifts my lips without my permission. “It’s fine. I’ll be okay.”

She folds her arms over her chest. “You’re supposed to be frowning when you say that. Why aren’t you frowning, Selene?” she asks suspiciously.

“No reason. Just thankful I won’t be having sex with the dog kisser.”

Allison scrutinizes me further when I giggle. Before she can ask more about it, our receptionist calls for her. I’m still not going to tell her about my new fuck buddy, Brody. I want to keep him my hot, dirty, little secret. So during lunch when Allison is still looking at me with eyes that are dissecting my every movement, I ask why she’s doing it.

“No reason,” she mocks. “What’s been happening with the hottie next door? Does he still think you’re crazy?”

“Nope,” I say with a shake of my head. “I helped him unpack the other day and he stayed with Bonkers last night for me. We’re sort of friends. We drink beer together, so yeah. We’re friendly neighbors now.” She goes to say something, but I change the subject to one of our patients.

The rest of the day passes by uneventfully. It’s the last workday of the week. Brody will be back on Sunday, and then my vacation starts. I stop by the store on the way home to pick up a few things to make dinner, stock up on groceries for next week, and pick up some treats for Bonkers. The cashier gives me a sad look as she scans all the junk food and beer. Who cares what she thinks anyway?

Once home, I leave the back door open for Bonkers to come and go as he pleases while I fix dinner. The air outside is chilly, but it feels good. Every time I glance to check on my dog, he’s either laying on the porch at the steps or running around like a fool. By the time supper is ready, the game is about to start.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance