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“Ha, well if it makes you feel better, sex with you ranks in my top three best sex ever.”

“Top three? Well, I guess that means I’ll have to try harder to get to that number one spot. Of course, if you start dating this guy, then I can’t work on my skills to gain that spot.”

“Hm. I hadn’t thought of that.” She slightly frowns. “Here’s to hoping it doesn’t go all that well then.” She tips her beer bottle to me to toast. We clink our bottles and sip.

“Ha, see another win-win for me.” I smile. I look at my watch. “I should probably let you rest for work and your date tomorrow.” I sit my beer on her table and stand up, going towards the door. Bonkers doesn’t seem happy that I’m leaving. I turn right before I open it. “Thank you for the beer and for being a friend.” I give her a kiss on her cheek.

“Any time, Brody. G’night.” She nods and smiles.


Practice wasn’t too bad today. The rookies actually listened to the coaches, as did the rest of the team. I’m thankful for that. We’ve got some big games coming up, and I’m tired of losing.

When I get home, I shower and change to get ready for my dogsitting duties in a couple of hours. Before that, I grab some food and check emails. I swear there are more and more every day. The duties of being a captain are multiplying. Every email wants me to make an appearance. I have to shake my head because there is no way that I can be at all these places at the same time. I forward them all to my manager and let him deal with the ‘no thank you’ letters.

My phone alerts me of a text message.

Selene: Hey, where’s my sitter?

I smile at the text.

Me: Damn, you’re bossy!! I’m on my way!

I shut the laptop, grab my keys, and head over to her house. She opens the door, and I stop. Beautiful doesn’t even begin to describe how good she looks. Selene is wearing skinny jeans that hug her hips and ass perfectly. The cream color sweater isn’t tight, but enhances her breasts and her hourglass figure. Not to mention her knee-high boots.

“Hey, Brody, you coming in or you letting all the heat leave my house?”

“Right, sorry.” I walk past her as Bonkers goes, well, bonkers at my feet. He’s running around me, barking.

“I see he’s happy to see you. I should be back soon.” She grabs her keys and purse.

“He isn’t picking you up?” I figured if he’s such a nice guy, then he would pick her up.

“Are you nuts? I just don’t let any guy know where I live. I’m meeting him.”

I nod as she says bye to Bonkers and leaves. I look down at the dog. “Looks like it’s a guys night, huh?” Bonkers barks, wagging his tail.

I sit down on her couch and flip through her channels to find the Portland Vikings game. Bonkers jumps up next to me and stares at the TV. The damn dog is watching hockey.

“You really like hockey, Bonkers?” I ask him. He wags his tail in response.

We sit there and watch the whole second period. I figure it’s about time to let him out so I get up, heading to the back door. He follows. I sit on her bench on the back porch as he does his business. He comes back to me, and we go inside. I make sure the door is locked and walk to the fridge to grab a drink. I notice that Selene has pictures taped on it. I see a couple of, who I assume to be, her parents. Then there are a few that stand out. It’s a younger Selene, maybe middle school, with a pretty blonde. Then another when they are teenagers. I don’t think that Selene has siblings. Plus, this chick looks nothing like Selene. Maybe that is the Allison girl from when she was younger.

I go back into the living room with Bonkers on my heels and finish the game. I flip through the TV channels until I settle on a movie. A few hours later, Selene is walking through the door.

“I figured you would be out all night.”

“Ha! Don’t even mention that date.” She flops down next to me on the couch. “Have fun with Bonkers?”

“Oh no, don’t change the subject.” I chuckle. “What happened to Mr. Nice Guy? I’m your friend, so I need the details.” I need to know if I should kick his ass.

“It was terrible. I mean, he was nice, I

guess? He talked the entire time, made everything awkward, and managed to be boring. All at the same time! I can’t believe Allison did this to me. And to top it off, he gave me a bad kiss. I’m talking awkward, teenage boy who doesn’t know what he’s doing kind of kiss. I am so glad it’s over.”

I bust into a laughing fit. “Seriously? That’s hilarious.”

“Shut up, Brody.” She pushes on my shoulder. “It is not! You weren’t the one that basically had slobber all over your mouth.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance