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Irritation flashes in his eyes before he gets up, walks to his pants, finds a condom, and puts it on before he comes back over to me. My legs open, ready for him to thrust into me. Brody doesn’t hesitate either as he drives hard into me as he grabs my ponytail and yanks it down to tilt my head upwards. He kisses my neck, roughly slamming into me.

“Oh God,” I breathe when his free hand grips my breast before pinching my nipple. I wrap my legs around his waist, and Brody brings his lips to mine, his tongue dancing with mine as I moan. My body feels ready to explode with the sensation of him moving inside of me. Brody takes his open hand, sliding it down my body to rub my clit with his thumb. His touch causes my legs to clench around his waist and with a couple more hard thrusts, I explode with pleasure a second after Brody.

He kisses me softly and then grins, his hands roaming my body. “I am so glad I moved in next to you.”

I laugh, my chest heaving a little. “Me too.” Grabbing his hands, I add, “Thanks for the fun, but you can go now.”

He’s still smiling. “Kicking me out already? You don’t waste any time, Selene.” Brody gives me a kiss that makes me want to change my mind, and then he’s getting dressed and walking out the door. Bonkers runs in about to jump on the bed when I stop him. All I can think about as I pull on a shirt, as I let Bonkers out one last time, and then while taking a shower before I go to sleep, is that with sex like that I should have Brody over more often.

Chapter Eight


I board the team plane and yell for a couple rookies to calm down. I’m going to be gone for four days, and I already miss having sex with Selene. The last few girls I was with were boring. Jessica was crazy and loud in bed. I don’t mind having some noise in bed, but not yelling. I save that for the ice.

“Well, Captain Meatball, what is that grin for?” Kris sits down next to me.

I shrug, not answering him. The grin still on my face

“You ass! You got laid?” Kris punches me in the shoulder. “Who is she? That chick you’ve been banging the past couple months?”

I usually tell Kris about my sexual encounters, but I’m not sure this time. “No, I’m not seeing her anymore.” I’m hoping that he’ll forget it.

“So, you’ve got a new buddy? Lucky bastard. Tell me all about it.”

I clear my throat and shift in my seat, looking away from him. “It’s my neighbor.”

“The stalker? You’re banging your stalker?” His voice is too loud.

“Will you shut up or at least lower your voice?”

“Are you having some type of Stockholm Syndrome to this girl?” he says in a lower octave.

“She isn’t a stalker. She’s a fan. Plus, I’m not having any type of syndrome or issue. Actually, it’s pretty great. After sex the last two times, she told me to get out. No cuddle, no nothing.”

“You lucky bastard, Meatball. My wife wants to cuddle all the damn time.”

“Don’t let her hear you say that.” I bump his shoulder and Kris laughs.

“Just be careful before you end up being on a 60 Minutes segment.”

I nod to my friend and look at my phone before we take off.

Jessica: Brody, baby, call me

Jessica: I miss you so much

Jessica: Didn’t we have a good time together?

Jessica: I love you. Please call me

The messages go on and on. I shake my head and delete them. I turn on my iPod and lay my head back for the rest of the plane ride.


I finally make it to the hotel room, and I’m starving. The team dinner will be in about fifteen minutes, so I have to hold out until then. My phone has been alerting me of every text message. Most are from Jessica, one from my brother to call him, and then I see one from Selene.

Selene: I know you’re busy, but could you dogsit on Wednesday?

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance