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The rest of the afternoon passes quickly. Before I know it, I’m back home, letting Bonkers out and getting dressed for the game. I decide to wear the jersey Brody gave me because it still cracks me up that he got Kris Miller to sign it for me. Just like when I was younger, I put my hair up with a red and white ribbon and paint Kris’s number on my cheek. I wasn’t lying when I said that I liked all the players. Everyone on the team deserves some love from the fans and tonight, I’m going with Brody and Kris.

I quickly go down the stairs and turn on the TV for Bonkers. The pre-game show has already started as Bonkers jumps onto the couch, sits, and watches the reporters talking. My stomach grumbles making me realize how hungry I am, but I always eat at the game. Yeah, everything is ridiculously priced, but I’m following tradition, one I won’t ever stop doing game after game, season after season.

“C’mon, Bonkers. You need to go out one more time.” He hops down and races to the door, almost running into it because he was going so fast. “Slow down, boy.” I open the door and let him outside. He goes to the center of the yard once he’s done and lays down. “Bonkers. Seriously? Come.”

He rolls onto his back, like he’s mocking me. “I have to go, come on!” He rolls back over and perks his ears at me, looking like he has a smirk on his face because of how his beard is at the moment. “Let’s watch some hockey, Bonkers. Come,” I add sternly.

Bonkers jumps up and runs inside, going straight for the couch. I close and lock the door before going over to give him a pat on the head. “Let’s not tell Brody he was right, okay? See you later, Bonkers.”

And then I’m off to the game! As per tradition, while I wait for the game to start, I’ll eat a hotdog or two with a chocolate milkshake. Doesn’t seem like it would be a good combo, but I loved it when I was a kid and still do. The empty seat next to me feels like it’s mocking me tonight too. I take a moment to touch the back of the seat and then the moment is gone as are all the memories. A couple of people start filing into their seats, and I recognize some of the faces from past games when they’ve sat near me. An older gentlemen comes to sit next to me, instantly causing me to smile when I realize who it is.

“Lou! How are you? It’s been a while since I’ve seen you here.” I lean over and give him a hug. I met Lou a couple of seasons ago. He’s one reason that always reinforces why I love hockey.

“I’m good. I figure it’s about time that I come to a game and somehow, I knew you would still be sitting in these seats. How have you been?”

“Pretty good. It’s so good to see you. How’s the misses?”

While we wait for warm ups, Lou and I catch up. He’s a sweet man in his fifties and when I first met him, it was during a particularly rough year. Lou found it peculiar that I always got season tickets for these seats, but never questioned why. I’ve practically created a hockey family in this section with Lou and a couple of others who I’ve met over the years by sitting here. It never ceases to amaze me that although we only know each other through this place, we act as if we talk everyday when we come to watch the game. That’s one of my favorite things about being a fan. It’s meeting the people along the way who love the sport too. We celebrate victories and fuss about losses together. There’s something special about that, something I cling to and hold close to my heart.

We watch the players warm up, stretching, skating, and shooting pucks. This is one of my favorite parts too. It’s sort of like the calm before the storm. The players appear focused, but relaxed as they prepare for the game. When the game finally starts, I close my eyes for just a second to absorb the energy buzzing around me. It pulses with a life of its own, and I feel peace and at home as the players start fighting for possession of the puck.

I will admit I was a tad worried that sleeping with Brody would somehow affect this part of me, these feelings I always feel when I watch the game, but thankfully, it’s the same as always. Nothing can ever change this for me. I won’t allow it. My eyes stay trained on the ice, not even looking away to comment on things with Lou unless it’s intermission. The time passes too quickly, but the Mustangs come away with a win! I hug Lou before I head home and tell him not to make it so long before he comes back to another game.

Bonkers is in a great, playful mood when I get home. Adrenaline from the win is still pumping through me and faintly, I wonder if this is how Brody feels after a win. By the time I let Bonkers back inside and change my clothes, there’s a knock on my door. Bonkers barks happily at whoever is on the other side as I make my way over to open it. As soon as I do, Brody grabs me by the waist and kisses me. Good lord can he kiss.

Bonkers wedges between our legs and he pulls away. “Since we won tonight, I took the we’ll see and turned it into a yes. That good with you?” He grins.

“Yeah, come on.” I tug him inside, closing the door behind him before leading him upstairs.

“Selene?” Brody says from behind me.


“You’re going to have to wash Kris’s number off your face first.”

I laugh, having completely forgotten about that. “I’ll go do that then,” I tell him as we walk into my room. “Go sit on the edge of my bed.” He goes to do so and as I enter my bathroom, over my shoulder, I add, “Don’t undress either. I’m going to do that for you.” When I hear his chuckle, I smile. I hurry and wipe the number off my cheek before undressing just as I did the other night.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I find Brody twiddling his thumbs as he waits for me. At some point, he closed the door, probably to keep Bonkers out. His head lifts as I walk over to him, bending over so he can inspect my cheek.

“All better now?”


I straddle his lap as I splay my fingers on each side of his neck. He grabs my thighs and I lean forward to kiss those hot lips of his. His hands move to cup my ass as I run mine down his chest, grabbing the hem of his

shirt before pulling it up and over his head. God, I love his body. I kiss his neck, slowly gliding my fingertips over his torso.

“Your turn to take something off me, Brody,” I say, my lips brushing his jaw as I move towards his ear to nibble on it. He reaches for the clasp of my bra, quickly unhooking it. Just when he goes to grasp my breast, I stand up, taking a step away from him. He looks confused for a moment, but then I grab his hand to pull him so he’s standing too. I kiss across his chest as I unbutton his pants. I slip my fingers inside the waistband of his boxers before tugging them and his jeans off. His cock comes free, begging to be touched, but Brody pulls me up before I can.

“My turn,” he says in a gravelly voice.

I hold my hands together behind my back and wait. Brody dips his head to suck on my breast as he grips my hips with a bit of pressure. His tongue swirls around my nipple, and he hooks two fingers on each side of my panties, slowly lowering himself as he kisses down my stomach. The closer he gets to the top of my panties, the wetter I get in anticipation. Tortuously slow, he slides them down my legs.

“C’mon,” I say as he stands. I push him back onto my bed and crawl on top of him.

“Not tonight, Selene,” Brody tells me, quickly flipping us so he towers over me. Before I can think about what he’s talking about, he kisses me hard. I hear a noise that sounds like his hand is hitting my nightstand, reaching for something. Shit.

Pulling away, I say, “I forgot to put one out.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance