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Me: Should be able to. What’s up?

Selene: I have a blind date.

I read the text twice. She has a date? She has a date! I stare at my phone.

“Time to eat, captain,” Kris yells out, banging on the door. I don’t reply yet. I put my phone in my pocket and head downstairs.

The entire team is sitting at tables, and I’m making the rookies sit with me tonight. They’ve been acting out of control the past few days and this is their punishment. I sit there, not listening to anything that they’re saying. I’m still thinking about that text message. Why do I care? I mean, she’s a great lay, but I shouldn’t care that she goes on a date.

I finish my meal, tell the rookies to behave, and head back to my room. I’m laying in the bed, trying to listen to NHL sports reports, but I’m staring at the text message.

Me: Sure, no problem.

I don’t care. I take a deep breath. If I lose her as my fuck buddy, I’ll find someone else. Yeah, I’ll keep telling myself that.


The game is rough. I almost thought I dislocated my shoulder when I got slammed into the boards. Then I got shoved into the players’ bench. Needless to say, I was pissed off most of the game. On top of that, we lost 4-1.

After the media tears me to shreds during the interviews, we load up onto the bus. I’m in no mood to talk to anyone, and everyone knows it. When we get back to the hotel, I go straight to my room and flop on the bed. My phone rings, and I don’t look at the display as I answer it. I figured it’s my twin brother, who is going to yell at me for the crappy game.


“Brody, baby.” Shit, it’s Jessica’s whiny voice on the other end.

“I’m not in the mood, Jessica.”

“Baby, I love you so much. We are meant to be together. Just you and me.”

“No, you don’t love me and I definitely don’t love you. We are not meant for each other. Please stop calling and texting.”

“Baby, baby.” She starts to sob. Oh, good grief.

“Jessica, stop crying. I’m sure you’ll find someone.” What the hell else am I supposed to say to some sobbing chick? Apparently, it’s the wrong thing because she sobs harder.

“No, I…want…you.”

“Okay, I don’t have time for this. Sorry, Jessica.” I hang up. I know that I should’ve tried to calm her down, but I don’t want to deal with it. I turn my phone off and change out of my clothes. We have another game tomorrow, and the plane leaves early. I need rest, not a crazy, sobbing female.


The next night’s game is better, but we lost again. Sometimes it’s easier to lose on the road than in front of a home crowd, but it still sucks. The rookies finally calm down a little bit. On the other hand, Jessica is blowing up my phone still. I’m thinking I need to change my number. Thank goodness I never told her I moved. I can’t imagine her showing up at my front door.

We are flying late at night and I sleep the entire flight. When we finally land, I grab my bag and head to my car. We all mumble our ‘see ya laters’ and leave. There’s no traffic, considering it’s past midnight, so I make it home quickly. When I’m getting the bag from my trunk, I see that Selene’s light is on. I can’t believe that she’s still awake. I send her a quick text

Me: In need of a nightcap, friend.

Selene: I’m not horny, but I have cold beer

I smile at her text. I shut the trunk, leaving my bag in there, and walk across the yard. She opens the door when I hit the first step. Selene is in a pair of sweats and a Mustang’s t-shirt. As soon as I cross the threshold, she hands me a beer. I smile and we go into the living room. Of course, Bonkers is bouncing around me. When I sit, he jumps in my lap, panting and licking my face.

“Okay, okay,” I say, trying to calm him down.

“I think he’s happy you’re back.” Selene sits next to me. I turn and look at her. My breath is almost taken. “What?”

“I’ve never seen you without makeup,” I say honestly. Her eyes are bright, and her face is clear.

“Brody, it’s midnight. I don’t wear makeup to bed.” She smiles, taking a sip of her beer.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance