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I chuckle at her and pull up my jeans. “So, now what?”

She looks at me. “Get out. I have a date with a Duck Dynasty marathon and some takeout.”

Even though I knew this was just sex, I didn’t think she would throw me out so quickly. Then again, that isn’t a bad thing. I have stuff to do. I walk over to give her a quick kiss on her lips.

“I’ll leave you my number.” I turn and head downstairs. Bonkers is on the couch, staring at the TV as I go into the kitchen. There’s a pad and pen. I leave my number and head out the door. Typically, girls want me to stay and cuddle. Selene is different. This might the greatest arrangement yet.

Chapter Seven


Once I hear my front door close, I go down to the kitchen to fix a glass of tea before the marathon starts. I don’t think I’ve fully processed what has happened yet. Brody and I are now fuck buddies. It seems so bizarre, but damn, that was good sex. That’s all that really matters at this point. I go ahead and order my dinner before finally relaxing in front of the TV, laughing so much my sides start to hurt.

A couple of times, Bonkers looks at me like my name should be Bonkers and not his. Finally, my dinner arrives and I catch sight of Brody leaving his house. When he looks my way with a grin, I roll my eyes, pay the guy, and retreat back inside with my food. This thing with Brody couldn’t have better timing with the anniversary coming up. Back in college, I was still torn up over what happened, so alcohol and sex were my new best friends. That’s how my guy friend and I started hooking up.

It was my remedy to make me at least feel better because it wasn’t like I could go back and actually change things. Now, Brody gets to be my remedy for my sorrows. And it’s a tad ironic that he’s a hockey player. I shove all those thoughts out of my head. There will be plenty of time to dwell on that later. Bonkers cuddles in my lap and we spend the rest of the night watching TV.

The next morning, Bonkers whines a little when I leave for work. Probably due to the fact that he somehow knows I won’t be home tonight because there’s a game. I tell him not to worry because there are away games coming up, and I’d be home to watch those with him. When I get to the office, Allison seems to be in a really good mood.

“What is going on with you?” I ask suspiciously when s

he hands me a cup of my favorite coffee. “You never bring me coffee in the morning.”

“Nothing is going on. I’m in a good mood, and I want to share that with you.” She smiles.

“Well, thanks.”

Throughout the day, Allison is like my right hand man. She pops in to ask me if I need anything, she brings me files before I can go get them myself, and she even treats me to lunch. That’s when I crack down on her.

“Alright, Allison. Why are you buttering me up? What are you trying to make me do?”

“Can’t I be an extra good friend today?” she asks, trying to hide her smile.


Allison huffs. “Thanks for thinking the best of me, Selene. All I am doing is putting you in a good mood for when I tell you my surprise.”

“I hate surprises, Allison,” I interrupt.

“That’s why I was buttering you up! It’s not bad, I promise.”

“Tell me already.”

“I’ve found a non-sleazy guy for you! Send him a few texts, start a conversation, and if you like him, then go out. He’s an old college friend of mine, who is really nice and very hot.” Allison smiles like she’s won the lottery.

Last night, I decided that I wouldn’t tell Allison about my arrangement with Brody, because after all, it’s just sex. And now, she’s trying to fix me up with this guy. “Okay, fine. What’s his name?”

“Freddy. I’ll give you his number once we get back to the office.”

She starts to tell me more about him and as promised, gives me his number when we get back. I send him a quick little text, mostly to satisfy Allison because I wasn’t planning on messaging him until later. Last night, I texted Brody, so he would have my number, and my phone vibrates against my desk. I’ll have to check it later because my next patient has walked in.

But then I get busy and it’s later in the afternoon when I finally check my messages. Freddy responded, but it’s Brody’s text that I read first.

Brody: Tonight? After the game?

I laugh and then reply.

Me: We’ll see.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance