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“Sounds perfect.” I extend my hand out to her. She nods and shakes it. “Okay, are you ready right now?”

“Seriously?” She puts her hands on her hips.

“Well, I’m not doing anything, and I can see that you’re not doing anything either, so,” I trail off.

She huffs. “Give me a minute.”

I nod and sit down at the table. I watch her head out of the kitchen and go to the bedroom. I can’t believe what just happened. I went from thinking she was a stalker to having a new fuck buddy. If she was a real stalker, she would have reacted differently. I’ve been around crazed fans enough to know.

This day might not be such a loss after all. Bonkers is at my feet, looking at me. I think about the dog I had growing up. He was my best friend. My brother and I were always playing with him. It broke my heart when he passed away.

I glance out the patio doors and see the beautiful bright sky. I start thinking about this season. So many things have been going so good for me. I just need to win the Cup. I’d do anything to hoist it over my head one more time.


I turn at Selene’s voice and stop. “Holy shit,” I breathe out. I wasn’t wrong. She’s stunning. Her sunkissed skin is highlighted against the navy blue lace bra and panties. She has a perfect hourglass figure. Her thighs are a little thick, but I like that. Selene is nothing like Jessica, who was a stick. Selene’s body is a dream.

“Ready?” She pops her hip out a little when she places her hands on them.

“Hell yeah.” My dick grows tight as I capture her lips with mine. “Where’s the bedroom?”

She gives me a sexy smirk, taking my hand, and leading me up the stairs. My eyes are glued to her ass. I can’t wait to be inside of her. When we walk into the bedroom, it’s bright pink and purple. It looks like it belongs in some type of girly magazine. Bonkers runs past me and jumps on the bed.

“Bonkers, out,” I command, and the dog obeys. I shut the door.

“That damn dog listens to you better than me, and he’s my dog,” Selene says, shaking her head.

“I told you it’s all in the voice.” I grip her hips and pull her to me.

She runs her hands up my chest and rests them on the back of my neck. Her nails dig in. She gently bites down on my bottom lip. God, I like a woman that takes charge in the bedroom. Selene pulls my jacket off and tugs on my shirt. I break our kiss and take off my shirt when I hear her gasp.


“Just admiring the view.” She’s staring at my abs. I chuckle as I undo my pants and drop them. I’m so horny, I just want to be in her. She grabs my hand and leads me over to the bed. Selene pulls my boxers off and begins to stroke me. Her hand touching me makes me close my eyes and groan.

She keeps it up for a few more strokes, and then lets go. She steps back and unsnaps her bra. I stare in disbelief as she confidently removes her lace panties. Selene is the whole package of beautiful. My mouth goes dry, and I don’t think my dick can get any harder.

“Like what you see?” she asks, looking at me through hooded eyes.

“You have no idea,” I say truthfully.

She gives me a small smile and blush highlights her cheeks. Then she lightly pushes me on the bed. I sit down and scoot back towards the headboard. I could get used to letting her have all the control. It’s a different role than the way I’m with other girls. She straddles me, driving her tongue in my mouth. Unlike Jessica, Selene does it lovingly. She must have brushed her teeth when she was getting ready because I can taste the mint of her toothpaste.

She kisses down my neck and my chest. Each kiss of her soft lips brings me more pleasure. She stops before she gets too low and sits up. When I look at her, she winks and reaches for something on the nightstand. Selene opens a condom and rolls it on me. She strokes me for a moment and the settles herself on top of me. When our bodies connect, we both moan. She sits still for a few seconds before she begins to move her hips. She’s tight around me, and it’s an incredible feeling. I reach up and fondle her breasts, tweaking her nipples to stiff points.

“Brody,” her sexy voice is full of lust, and it turns me on more.

She bounces on me harder, and it’s my turn to moan her name. I can already feel myself getting ready to come, and I want to make sure she gets hers. I sit up and in a swift movement, put her onto her back. I grab both of her wrists and pin them above her head. I kiss her lips hard, pushing into her. She locks her legs around me. I thrust in and out of her.

“Brody, harder.”

I do as she asks. When she arches her back and yells my name, I feel her release. I pound into her two more times, and I shudder as I come in her. I lay on top of her looking at her dark, satisfied eyes. I let go of her wrists.

“Damn, Selene,” I breathe. That was quick but worth it.

“I agree. Bathroom is next door. Everything you need is on the sink.” I nod and get up to clean off. When I come back, she’s already in a t-shirt and sweats, looking at me.

“Well, that was fun.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance