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“This one,” he points to the one with his siblings, “was taken when I found out I was going to be captain. This one,” he points to the next, “is when I paid off all my parents bills and debts. I did that with my first endorsement check. Those are my nephews, and it was taken during Christmas. That last one is Ethan’s wedding day.” He kisses the side of my neck. “I hope to have a picture of you up here soon.”

I feel the heat rising to my face thinking about being an important person in Hudson’s life. I lay my head back on his chest, as he tightens his arms around me.

“Hey, I’ve got to run down to the arena and go over some tapes with Coach, but when I get back I’m all yours. Whatever you want to do?” He kisses my temple.

“Okay,” I turn around, and put my arms around his neck, “will you be gone long?”

“Hour or so, why?”

“Thought I could lounge in that pool you call a bathtub,” I tease him.

He chuckles. “Have fun.” He leans down to my ear. “Maybe next time I can join you?” I stop breathing at his words, and my heart races. He pulls away and gives me a quick kiss on the lips. “I’ll be back soon.”

I stand there and listen to the front door close. I grab my bag and head down to the bathroom. I turn the water until I find the right temperature and fill the tub.

Laying in the tub, I think about the past week. I was miserable without Hudson. Now, in the matter of a day, I am so happy. I understand why Hudson did what he did, and now we can move forward. I let the warm water surround me, as I smile thinking about last night. Feeling Hudson between my legs is something I couldn’t dream of. His beard tickled me as his warm tongue brought me pleasure all over my body. My cheeks are hurting from the smile on my face.

When I finish I get out and get dressed. I dry my hair and put it up in a ponytail. I do my makeup and clean up my mess. I go out to the living room and look around. I’m in Hudson’s apartment. I’m in love. These are two concepts that I didn’t think would ever happen.

I walk around his apartment, looking at everything. His kitchen is shiny. Appliances are top of the line and there are more buttons on them than my cell phone. I run my fingers over his granite countertops. I walk to the living room. He has the latest electronics and gadgets. I sit on the couch and just look around. I’m brought to the present when Hudson comes in.

“Hey, I thought you were going to be gone for a while?” I ask looking at him as he comes to sit down next to me.

“I have been gone a while. Do you want me to leave again, so you can have an affair with the tub?”

I laugh and curl up next to him. “I can’t help if I’m in love with your tub.”

We sit there in silence, before Hudson asks, “What do you want to do today?”

I shrug. “What do you want to do?”

“How about we go out in public?”

“I’m not dressed up,” I say shyly looking down at my jeans.

“You’re beautiful. Come on, let’s hit the town.” He gives that beautiful smile and pulls me off the couch.

I grab my purse, and we head out the door. We go down in a different direction this time. I’m confused on where we are going, but I follow Hudson down the stairs.

“Um, Hudson, where are we going?” I ask before he goes out the door at the bottom.

“Oh, this is the parking garage. We always take the truck, so I thought I should introduce you to my baby.”

I stop dead when I hi

t the bottom step. “Baby?”

For the first time, Hudson rolls his eyes at me. “Not that kind of baby. Just come on.” He holds out his hand, and I take it.

We go into the dimly lit garage, and we go to the far side. In the dark corner gleams a bright white sports car. It shines like a diamond under the light.

“Hudson, what kind of car is this?”

“This is a brand new 2013 Chevy Camaro. I got it and haven’t gotten to play with it yet.”

“Wow, it’s beautiful.”

He opens the passenger side door, and I slide in on the cool, black leather seats. He comes around on his side and fires the engine. It’s loud, and Hudson smiles like a kid in a candy store. He drops it into drive and peels out of the garage. I actually scream.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance