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Disconnecting, he turns to me. “We can get the images,” he says, and I’m out of my chair.

“It sounded like you were going to say it was impossible!”

“Using his personal connections would take a month,” my brother says, “But he’s on the board of DigitalGlobe, and they’re going to scan the area where we think she’s being held and send us what they get.”

“How long will that take?” I’m pacing the White Drawing Room, my heart beating fast in my chest.

“They have to turn the satellite. It could be a day or two.”

Exhaling a loud breath, I go to the windows and look out over the gardens. I can’t bear another minute of this intense worry. I can’t bear being without her, without knowing she’s okay. My body aches for hers. I want to hold her in my arms and feel her warmth against my skin. The idea that she might be taken from me forever has me on the brink of desperation.

“Any word after our conversation at Occitan?”

“Still waiting,” he says, walking to stand beside me. Bracing my shoulder, he looks in my eye. “You’ve got to stay strong. We’re so close now. We’re going to find her.”

“With every day that goes by I’m sure I can’t take another one.”

All the stress of these last several weeks is enough to break me. I lean forward, placing my head against the cool glass. “I can’t sleep. I close my eyes, and I see her fighting to get free. The image of her battered face is in my mind, and all I can think is it’s my fault. I should never have let her go alone.”

“We asked for proof of life. If we’re lucky, we might catch a boat headed to one of those uncharted islands on satellite.”

For a moment, I think about this incredible possibility. My mother had the bright idea of using the rat at Occitan to manipulate Wade Paxton into showing his cards.

She went with Rowan and Ava to our family beach estate, and the three of them spent several days arguing over succession and discussing how she plans to fight the referendum. It was all an act, of course. My mother has wanted to retire since before this nightmare began.

Our hope is that her pretend disapproval and resistance to succession will gain us more time with these kidnappers. If Rowan is not the titular leader of our country, he can only fulfill the first ransom demand and possibly the second.

The first was to break his deal with the American tech company, and he made a big show of putting that contract on hold until he’s named King of Monagasco. The second demand was to re-energize our oil holdings with Fayed in Tunis. Rowan is dragging his feet on that one, but still making a show of fulfilling the request.

Turning down the throne, signing the treaty with Totrington, and pardoning Wade Paxton—the final three demands—are all items he can only fulfill as king, and he can’t be king so long as our mother refuses to step down.

We have no idea how these problems are impacting our timetable. Personally, I couldn’t take the silence anymore and went to Occitan yesterday to tell Rowan we needed proof of life. I need to know she’s okay. I need to see her.

It was an impassioned plea. Now we simply have to wait and see if it makes a difference—if we get another photo and if we can tell anything about where it was taken.

Standing in the plush drawing room, I make a decision. “I’m going back to Tortola. They won’t expect me to be back there, and perhaps we’ve been gone long enough that some of these guys might have come out of hiding.”

Rowan presses his lips together. “You’re going alone?”

“I’ll take Logan with me. We need to stay off the grid, under the radar.” Truth is, I can’t stand waiting around here anymore. I’m ready to charter a boat and drive it all over the Caribbean searching for her.

Rowan doesn’t try to stop me, he only nods. “I can’t imagine the level of stress you must be feeling. If it were Ava…”

“Just keep her safe. Zelda will be worried about her, and I want to be able to tell her Ava is safe when I find her.”

“Who are you telling I’m safe?” Ava enters the room quickly. She’s dressed in a sheer black dress that swirls around her body, and my brother’s eyes track her as she moves.

“Cal is going to Tortola.”

She turns quickly, sapphire eyes on me. “I want to go with you.”

“I-I can’t.” My eyes move to Rowan. I can’t tell her no. I know she’s as worried about her sister as I am. We’re all coming apart with the helplessness of this situation.

“You have to take me with you.” Tears fill her eyes. “I can’t stand sitting here waiting anymore, Cal!”

/> Rowan steps up behind her, sliding a large hand around her waist and pulling her back to his chest. “He needs to go alone.” His deep voice seems to calm her. “He’s less likely to be caught, and he can move quicker, perhaps uncover something we missed the first time.”

He manages to talk her down, but I see the worry full in her eyes. “I promise,” I say, squeezing her hand, “If I learn anything—anything—you’ll be the first to know.”

Tags: Tia Louise Billionaire Romance