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I kneel down, mouthing the fabric over his cock with my lips, gently sucking and licking it with my tongue.

Owen allows it to happen for a moment or two. I hear his breathing hitch, and I think that I must have gotten through to him for sure, but then, he runs a hand through my hair and yanks me back.

I pout up at him, incredibly disappointed.

“Are you really going to leave me this way, Owen? With just a little taste of what it would be like to be fucked by you? After all of this foreplay, this…war of words and suggestive looks we’ve had going on since the wedding, you’re really going to pull away?”

“Mira, you know I have to. You know I don’t want to, but I have to.”

He moves away from me and retrieves my dress from where it lays abandoned on the floor.

Well, what’s left of it anyway.

Returning to my side, he does his best at fitting the garment over my body, even as I let out a huff of disappointment.

He frowns.

“I can’t let you out like that.”

I raise an eyebrow suggestively.

“Then don’t let me out at all.”

Owen rolls his eyes, then repeats the motion far more slowly, as if he’s taking in his surroundings.

“And I can’t let you stay here, either,” he murmurs, almost to himself.


Hurriedly, as if in the spur of the moment, he removes his suit jacket and throws it over my shoulder, giving me a look that highly suggests ‘put that on and cover yourself up’, so I regretfully comply. The jacket smells like him. It’s wonderful.

I wonder if I can get away with keeping it to myself and bringing it back out later when I’m alone…

“Mira, stop daydreaming and follow me,” Owen instructs—he’s already halfway to the door. I stumble over slightly in my rush to follow him.

“Where are we going?”

“Somewhere a million fucking times better than this dump. Somewhere without fucking deadbolts and chains across all the doors. Your company is going public—you’re going public—so you need an office space befitting such an occasion.”

I frown, confused.

“But this is the office Carl is giving the company.”

“Fuck him. He’s an ass. You deserve better.”

“So, whose offices are you taking me to?”

There’s a ridiculously sexy glint to Owen’s eyes as he grins.


“Yours? But surely you have tons of people—”

Owen waves a hand at me.

“Not my main operations office, of course. You need your own space. It just so happens that I have some prime real estate that’s just been turned over. It’ll be perfect for you.”

I stare at him, astounded.

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance