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“As my lady wishes.” He executed an elegant bow and led her to a roped-off area in front of the crackling fireplace. Guests assumed she’d been protecting the white rug, but she and Dax had other plans. Dax’s family already knew and when they spotted Dax and Jenna, they moved into action.

Within minutes, the houselights came down and the glow of the tree, the candles and the fireplace filled the vast room with a festive, romantic glow. A hush came over the guests as they turned in curiosity.

Holding Jenna’s hand, Dax stood with his back to the stone fireplace, surrounded by flickering candlelight as he spoke. “Friends and family, Jenna and I have a surprise for you tonight. You’ve come to celebrate Christmas with us, but we also invited you here for another, more personal reason.” He glanced her way and she smiled, certain she radiated enough love and joy to light the darkness all by herself. “Jenna Garwood, this gorgeous, classy, incredible woman has agreed to be my wife.”

A murmur of excitement rushed through the crowd. Dax held up a hand to quiet them. “And all of you are invited to our wedding which will take place—” he glanced at his watch for effect “—right now.”

The excited murmurs started again as the minister from Dax’s church stepped forward. Dax’s sister had control of the sound system and the music changed to gentle piano by the O’Neil Brothers. A swish of recorded wind and wind chimes set a mood of peace, and hushed expectation settled on the room. As the minister began to speak and gentle strains of “I Wonder as I Wander” added background, tears filled Jenna’s eyes. For indeed, she had wandered a very long distance to find her rightful place.

Dax turned to face her and spoke his words of love and commitment. His voice trembled with emotion that she knew was not nerves but his heart speaking to hers. He slid the diamond band onto her finger and then it was her turn.

She was too full of feelings to tell him everything, but she spoke from her heart, and when a tear slid down her cheek, he bent to kiss it away. A collective sigh went up from the guests.

The ceremony ended and the minister said, “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Dax Coleman. May they always be as happy and committed as they are this moment.”

Applause sounded. The photographer they had hired to capture their party and wedding snapped photo after photo. Gavin, his antlers quivering, pulled away from his grandmother and rushed to hug Dax’s legs. “Does this mean Jenna is my mom now?”

Tugging Jenna down with him, Dax crouched to meet his son at eye level. “Yep. What do you think about that?”

Gavin threw his arms around his father’s neck. “I think all my Christmas wishes just came true.”

As the melody of “I’ll be Home for Christmas” began to play, Jenna joined the embrace of her new husband and son, thinking how prophetic both the song and Gavin’s words were.

All her Christmas wishes had come true, as well, and she was truly and forever home for Christmas.

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Tags: Linda Goodnight Billionaire Romance