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“My darling, we have to set the scene for our play.” He captured her chin between his fingers and planted a kiss on her forehead. “Tonight, we will have to jump on the mattress until the bed squeaks. I suggest you start practising pleasurable moans.”

Oh, he was incorrigible. He seemed to be enjoying his new role far too much.

“There is no need to call me darling,” she countered. “And I am certain married couples do not rut like wild animals.”

Mr Lockhart laughed. He stepped back and released her chin. “I shall call you darling in case I make a faux pas and use your real name. And the right gentleman will most definitely rouse a howl from your luscious lips. Let’s hope it is your husband.”

His gaze dropped to her mouth as hunger flashed in his eyes.

“That is a look of lust, Mr Lockhart, when we are supposed to be in love.”

“Ah, you want love, Miss Darling?” Slowly, and with an intensity that stole her breath, Hudson Lockhart met her gaze. “Then I shall give you love.”

The energy in the air sparked to life as he stared deeply into her eyes. The gold striped wallpaper and gilt-framed pictures all blurred into the background as he became her focus. Mr Lockhart looked at her as if she were a priceless jewel, unlike anything he had seen before. He looked at her as if she were the air he needed to breathe.

Heat swirled in Claudia’s stomach. A desperate ache filled her heart. The sensitive place between her legs pulsed. Her fingers itched to touch him, all of him. The difference between love and lust became blurred as she imagined being drawn to his chest, being kissed by his expert mouth, caressed by his expert hands.

A light rap on the door shattered the spell.

“Who is it?” Claudia called in a strained voice while she continued to stare at her husband.

“It is I, Lissette, madame.”

“You should let her in.” Mr Lockhart’s smooth tones continued to soothe and caress.

“Should I?”

“A man might take liberties if given a chanc


“You sent for me, madame,” Lissette called from beyond the door.

“She has but a few hours to make any adjustments to your gown,” Mr Lockhart added.

Claudia blinked to bring herself back to reality. “Give me a moment, Lissette,” she said, glancing over her shoulder before turning back to the gentleman who could grace the stage with such a convincing performance. “With such fine acting skills, I imagine no one will doubt our story.”

He smiled. “The same might be said for you. Not once did you look away.”

“If ever we find ourselves destitute, we can always work in the theatre.”

His smile faded. “Tonight, you will need to give your best performance. You must not drop your guard until we are alone once again in this room.”

“I understand.” Nerves threatened to consume her, but she kept them at bay.

Mr Lockhart lingered for a moment before inclining his head and striding to the door.

He stopped as his hand settled on the knob, though he did not turn to face her when he spoke. “I ask a great deal, I know. But I would not have brought you here were I not confident you had the strength to deal with the task.” He did not wait for a response but opened the door and gestured for Lissette to enter. “I shall be in the study should you need me.”

The words tugged at a place deep in her core. The day she needed him would be the day she packed her valise and took the mail coach back to Falaura Glen.

Claudia might have sunk into a melancholic mood if left to contemplate the great task that lay ahead, but Lissette was a lively woman whose vivacious personality lifted one’s spirits.

“Oh, wait until you see Madame Armand’s creations,” Lissette said as she closed the bedchamber door and hurried to the dressing room. “The modiste, she has worked miracles. Miracles.”

Excitement fluttered to life in Claudia’s chest, banishing all prospect of her sinking into the doldrums.

“Come,” Lissette beckoned, holding out her hand. “Come see.”

Tags: Adele Clee Avenging Lords Historical