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Connor Maguire jumped up from his seat and brandished his knife.

Martin Maguire took one look at the threatening scene and sent Raja to attack Lord Valentine. The monkey flew across the room with lightning speed, bounced up onto the desk and lunged at the shocked lord, knocking off his top hat.

A tirade of violent curses left Mr Drake’s mouth.

Valentine was forced to swipe the monkey to the floor, but the creature proved relentless.

“Get that thing off him,” Ava yelled.

Twitchett removed his hat and batted Raja away while Mr Drake tried to catch the primate by the back of its red velvet collar.

The dog barked, and Connor Maguire sent the vicious animal racing over to nip and snap.

Ava had no choice but to act.

Pulling her trusty pistol from the inside pocket of her coat, she cocked the small weapon and aimed at Connor Maguire. “Get that monkey off Lord Valentine before I shoot. And let me tell you I have already fought one duel this week and have no qualms pulling the trigger.”

It took the Maguire brothers all of two seconds to command their savage pets to heel.

“You,” she said, pointing at Martin Maguire. “Take these animals and wait outside.”

A tense silence ensued.

“Leave, Martin,” Connor instructed, “and take Raja and Caesar with you.”

Ava waited for them to vacate the room.

“Now,” she said, catching her breath. Her legs were shaking, but she had to at least attempt to look composed. “I think we can all agree that was unnecessary. Let us go back to the moment before you foolishly threatened me.”

Connor Maguire stared down his pointed nose. “Let me tell you, anyone who pulls a pistol on a Maguire rarely lives to make the same mistake.”

“Then I may as well shoot you.” Ava firmed her jaw to stop her teeth chattering. “That way I only have one brother to contend with.”

She glanced at Valentine. All colour had drained from his face. Blood trickled from a scratch on his cheek. For the first time since making his acquaintance, she saw fear flash in his eyes.

The scoundrel raised his hands and grinned. “I said rarely. Seems I can’t punish a lady for my own mistake.” He turned to his crony. “Since when did we stop searching the patrons?”

Milligan hung his head.

Ava got the distinct impression that, at some point later in the evening, the man would feel more than the sharp edge of his master’s tongue.

“We were at the point where you accepted Lord Valentine’s offer,” she said. “Let me tell you that there is no man more trustworthy.” Ava realised that she had to show Maguire respect if they hoped to escape without being assaulted by the monkey. “I have a ring on my finger that you may keep as a sign of my respect and good faith.”

“No!” Valentine interjected. He delved into his waistcoat pocket, then unfastened the chain and placed his watch on the desk. “Take this instead. It is yours to keep, a token of my word as a gentleman.”

“No!” It was Ava’s turn to protest. “I cannot let you do that.”

“I already have.” There was a hardness to his tone that told her not to oppose him. Somehow, she would find a way to repay him.

Mr Maguire stabbed his knife back into the desk. He picked up the watch and examined the gold casing. “I’ll accept the watch as a token of respect. And I’ll expect thirteen hundred pounds on my desk come tomorrow afternoon.”

“Agreed.” With eyes brimming with contempt, Valentine cast Jonathan a sidelong glance before saying, “I want your word that Mr Kendall will not be permitted to gamble here again.”

Mr Maguire grinned. “I can’t be held responsible for another man’s weaknesses. But if Milligan here should see him in the Pit, he will boot his backside all the way back to Mayfair.”

Jonathan dragged his hand down his face but did not protest.

Connor Maguire stood and called for his brother to enter.

Tags: Adele Clee Avenging Lords Historical