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"Linen? Non, non! Are the beautiful wings of a butterfly not hidden in the depths of the caterpillar's bland cocoon?"

It took a moment for her to comprehend his meaning, but then it occurred to her that the linen protected something infinitely more precious.

"You mean the roll contains silk."

He raised an amused brow and nodded.

"I assume you're not planning to take up dressmaking? I know of no maiden who desires to smell of salt and decomposing flesh."

"Now I understand how you have managed to acquire so much money," he said with a chuckle. "It seems gentlemen pay handsomely for a witty tongue." Tapping his chest, he added, "I must thank you, Marie, for funding my expedition."

The man spoke in riddles.

As though sensing her confusion, he said, "If you want to keep your money safe, you should not hide it under the bed."

It took every ounce of willpower Anna possessed not to shove her hand down between her chemise and stays to check her notes were still there. With a bundle lying on each breast, she could feel them when she moved. But she had not counted it for weeks.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you, you should repent your sins?" She was starting to sound like her father. "That if you don't, they will come back to haunt you."

He gave a mocking jeer, held his hands together in prayer. "Pardonne-moi! I ask for forgiveness. But you should be grateful I did not steal it all." With a heavy sigh, he pointed to the roll of silk encased in linen. "As much as I am enjoying your repartee, in an hour or two the sun will be setting, and I fear I must be on my way. If you will be so kind as to hand me my goods."

Anna almost told him to go to the devil, but she supposed she should be grateful he had opened the door else she could well have suffocated in the confined space. Suppressing her ire, she bent down and gathered the roll up into her arms.

"Take it," she said suppressing the need to throw it at him as he scooped it out of her grasp. "I hope the expedition I've funded proves fruitful."

He shrugged. "Fifty of your English pounds will get me to your shore, pay for my keep, for the odd turn at the tables." He thrust the roll under his arm. "Now, it is time for me to be on my way."

Anna followed him towards the door, relieved to feel fresh air breezing over her face. "I'm sure I shall know the moment a lady enters a room wearing a dress made from that silk."

"I doubt it." He turned and scanned the tomb. "Had I known this was to be your fate I would have asked Selene to steal it all. What good is having money hidden under the bed when you shall perish in here."

Anna gulped and shook her head. "But surely you mean to let me leave?"

"Ah, non. It is not possible. Not now you know of my plans, know of my silk."

Taking a deep breath for courage, Anna blurted, "I am leaving this tomb whether you to try to stop me or not."

Samuel Lessard tutted. "Why must everything be so difficult?" he said wearily. "Do not make me draw my knife. Do not—" His attention shifted and he raised his chin as wrinkles formed on his brow. Anna thought she'd heard something, too. But then, with a quick shake of the head he stared at her. "Where were we?"

With the door still open, this was her only chance to escape.

Without giving the matter another thought, she charged towards him, barging past in a desperate bid to be far away from the hideous place.

The mausoleum stood on the edge of a cliff leading down to the sea. The few gravestones dotted about gave the impression that all others had fallen to the rocky shore as the battering waves eroded the earth, sucking it away. She had no option but to run straight ahead and managed to take a few strides before being knocked to the ground, her face hitting the pebbled pathway.

Rolling onto her back, she met Samuel Lessard's irritated glare as he loomed over her, wielding the roll of material like a floppy sword.

"Get up. Get up," he repeated, his tone revealing irritation as opposed to anger.

"Samuel. Samuel." The feminine cry drifted through the air. Anna glanced to her left to see Selene running towards them, scraping back the ebony locks clinging to her face. She stopped at Anna's side and put her hand on her chest as she tried to catch her breath. "What … what have you done?"

Samuel Lessard broke into a torrent of abusive curses, speaking so quickly in his native tongue Anna struggled to make sense of it.

"Just go, Samuel. I shall take care of Miss Sinclair." Selene flicked her fingers to shoo him away.

Samuel cursed again. "What, so you may tell the whole village I locked her in a tomb?"

"It does not matter. Just go now before the others come." Selene was gabbling her words in a desperate bid to be rid of him. "The boat will be leaving soon. You must go."

Tags: Adele Clee Anything for Love Romance