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Hey bro, sorry, have to cancel. Hot chick. Hope you understand.

Sure. Happy birthday.

We’ll catch up tomorrow.


Truthfully, now that I’d met Denise, I didn’t give a fuck that my brother bailed. These chicks were ready to roll out and I didn’t have a problem with that either, other than they were bailing on their friend without worrying about her safety with me.

“What? You’re the ones who wanted to come,” she squealed.

“Yeah, because we wanted to get your ass out, and it seems that you’ve done it all on your own. Call us when you want us to pick you up.” They got up from the table and gave her a squish each before leaving.

I looked toward the exit then back at Denise. “Did I miss something?”

“I don’t know, but I feel like I did,” she muttered, looking at the exit as well.

“So, they don’t normally bail on you when you meet a guy?” I asked. It was a pointed question, but I had to get to know her one way or another. And I was going to get to know her.

“I don’t meet guys. In fact, they never leave even if they meet someone.” She looked to the exit and I could sense something was bothering her. It was more than just them leaving. Maybe this wasn’t the first instance of them acting shady.

I pressed my thumb to her chin, turning her head to look at me. Staring into her eyes, I said, “Denise, I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Okay?”

Her eyes smiled behind the sadness. “Thanks. It seems my roommates don’t seem to care about my well-being.”

“How long have you all known each other?”

“Just the past few months. I moved here recently from Lakeland, and they had an extra bedroom for rent.” So she was new and they were probably friends forever. She was an interloper and it bothered at least one of them. I’d seen that pack mentality before. It wasn’t going to be long before things came to a head with them.

“Well, I’m glad that I don’t have sisters because I’d be pissed as fuck if they let some guy take her home,” I said, leading her to the vacated seats in the booth. I slid in beside her, inching as close as possible without freaking her out.

“No sisters?” she asked, playing with her glass that sat on the table in front of us. Her nerv

ousness eased mine. I’d learned to be calm for many years and it paid off. My emotions were hidden and controlled.

I couldn’t take my eyes off her. “No, though I was here looking to see if my brother showed. But he’s not around.”

“Do you come here often?” she asked. I knew from the start what she was thinking.

“I’ve never been here. And I’ve never kissed a woman I just met,” I informed her. She needed to know that this was a one-off. “I’ve never wanted another the way I want you.”

Even in the harsh light, she was perfection. Her smile was contagious and fucking made her lips my target. “This is all new to me. I don’t go out and I don’t have any sisters either. These broads are on my shit list now.”

I chuckled. “I hope that I make for better company.”

“You definitely do, but what if you’re some crazy nut and they just left without checking?”

“I’m not. I promise. There’s nothing I want to do to hurt you. Well, maybe a nice spank on your ass before pushing my way inside you,” I growled, leaning in and stealing a kiss. My lack of self-control was growing as the blood left my brain and went straight to my cock.

“I’m not kinky like that, mister,” she said, after pulling her lips from mine.

“We’ll have to see about that, sweet Denise. I have plans for us.”

“Really? And those would be?” She arched her brow at me with a crooked smile.

I took her hand and wrapped it in mine. “I don’t know. Lots of baby making, a house with a white picket fence or a ranch if you want.” She started laughing, but didn’t understand that I meant it. I knew from the moment I saw her that she was going to be my wife one day. I had to prove it to her and I would.

I could tell that she didn’t take me seriously, but she was curious. “What do you do, Anthony? Because I’m just a receptionist. No baby making and fancy ranch for me.”

Tags: C.M. Steele Middleton Hotels Erotic