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They grunted and yanked him backwards, relieved when he moved. “Lift upwards,” Claire said. “We don’t want to bang his head again.”

“I am lifting up. He isn’t a man, he’s a frigging mountain.”

The guy’s head lolled but it didn’t hit the ground. Thankfully. About forty years later, they’d dragged him to the car door. Claire’s shoulder muscles were aching and she was trying not to pant. She definitely needed to spend more time getting fit and less time eating chocolate in front of the TV.

“Uh, Claire, should be do something about that?” Megan pointed down his body.

His shorts had been dragged down to his ankles—and he wasn’t wearing any underwear. Claire’s mind went blank.

“I think it’s best if we pretend we don’t notice,” she croaked.

“How can you miss it?” Megan pointed. “He’s perfectly proportioned for his huge, huge size.”

“Megan!” Claire elbowed her sister hard.

“Stop it.” Megan rubbed her side. “It’s not like I’m deliberately being a pervert. I didn’t take his shorts off.”

Claire chewed her lip. “We should probably pull them back up.” She elbowed her sister again. “You do it.”

“Nuh-uh. What if he wakes up and finds me messing with his clothes? What if he thinks I’m molesting him? You do it.”

“You’re the one who’s impressed by his package, you can be the one who gets a closer look at it.”

“Ha! I’m not the one who’s still staring at it.”

Claire snapped her gaze away, and her cheeks flushed. “There’s something glinting on it. I think we may have damaged him dragging him along like that.”

“We can’t have. His penis didn’t touch the ground.”

“There’s definitely something stuck to it. Go check it out.”

“You do it. I’m not studying his penis.”

“What if he’s injured?”

“He can stay injured. Let the doc check him out.”

“Bloody coward.” With a grumble, Claire walked to the guy’s middle. Her eyes popped. “He isn’t injured.” She pointed at him. “He’s pierced.”

“No way, let me see.” Megan rushed to stand beside her sister.

Claire rolled her eyes. “What happened to you not wanting to get up close and personal with his privates?”

“He’s pierced. I’ve never seen that before.”

The women stared at him. “That had to hurt,” Claire said. They winced.

The guy let out a moan. The women screamed, shot back from him and fell on their backsides. They froze, scared to move in case he woke up. He didn’t.

With a shaky sigh of relief, they scrambled to their feet.

“Maybe we should pull his shorts up now?” Megan said. She pointed at Claire. “You do it.”

Muttering about her cowardly sister, Claire headed for the shorts. After she’d struggled for w

hat felt like hours to get his shorts past his ankles, it became clear it wasn’t going to happen.

“What’s more important?” she asked her sister. “Making sure he’s decent, or getting him medical help?”

Tags: Janet Elizabeth Henderson Invertary Romance