Page 44 of Jameson's Addiction

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s thought were only for kissing me.

He can say he loves me all he wants to. His actions for the past five years have proven differently. The hot water relaxes my body but not my mind. I wish I could talk to my friends, but we aren’t allowed any phones, TV, or computers. They don’t want us leaking anything about the show to the public. It’s like being in a five-star prison. After my soak in the tub, I put on my comfy pajamas and twist my hair up in a knot on my head. I grab my notebook and go out on the balcony to work on a new song praying Jameson doesn’t come out here too. I know his room is next to mine, but thankfully he hasn’t bothered me yet.

I try to write but can’t. My mind keeps drifting back to that stupid kiss today. Stupid Jameson. This stupid show. I grip my pen in my hand nearly snapping it in half.

All the restless nights

Your love was my drug

You infected me

Injected me with your lies

Suicidal heart

Tell me another lie

You set me on fire and left me to burn

For you

I called out your name begging for rain

But you didn’t answer my call

Suicidal heart

Tell me another lie

I thought you’d always be by my side

You set me on fire and left me to burn

All the restless nights

Your looove was my drug

Oh you set me on fire and left me to burn

Oh you set me on fire and left me to burn

For you

All the lines you fed me were never true

You left me in the flames

Suicidal heart

Tell me another lie

I continue to burn and cry out your name

All the restless nights

You struck a match and held it to my heart leaving me black inside

I’d burn forever for you

Tags: Glenna Maynard Romance